The Official All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2013 Thread


Brolly video


The whole thing has gone retarded.

Tyrone are embarrassing tgemselves

Thats a prediction Rudi.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 817737, member: 9”]Tyrone released this earlier:

Fact! Fact! Fact! It’s a bit lame.[/quote]

So basically, they’re a bunch of soft lads, who get the shit kicked out of them everywhere they go?

Lies lies damn lies and statistics. Tyrone have jumped a shark here.

That is pathetic.

I hope Mayo batter the fuck out of Tyrone.

tyrone are coming in for special attention in fairness…just like Donegal in 2011…its over the top…

The way they are using points about other areas of the county and u12 teams etc is bizarre. This is about the Tyrone Senior team and the tactics they employ and the influence it’s having in club teams. They are trying to let on that they are being accused of systematically coaching fouling down thru te grades which is not true.

And what the fuck are they appealing the 2 red cards for? Both striking of fences correct? Tough shit, game over.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 817913, member: 273”]The way they are using points about other areas of the county and u12 teams etc is bizarre. This is about the Tyrone Senior team and the tactics they employ and the influence it’s having in club teams. They are trying to let on that they are being accused of systematically coaching fouling down thru te grades which is not true.

And what the fuck are they appealing the 2 red cards for? Both striking of fences correct? Tough shit, game over.[/quote]

Infairness to Tyrone I thought they were being singled out a bit at the start, they may be the worst for it but they certainly aren’t the only ones. They’ve lost the plot since. Mickey Harte goes down in my estimations more every year.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 817913, member: 273”]The way they are using points about other areas of the county and u12 teams etc is bizarre. This is about the Tyrone Senior team and the tactics they employ and the influence it’s having in club teams. They are trying to let on that they are being accused of systematically coaching fouling down thru te grades which is not true.

And what the fuck are they appealing the 2 red cards for? Both striking of fences correct? Tough shit, game over.[/quote]

Tyrone aren’t the only team at it…you’re a sheep that follows the herd kev…just like you rated Donegal the no.1 team this year…learn to think for yourself pal…

All teams do it - go to 7m 50s in this video about 72 minutes into the match and you see Mayo players dragging back O’Gara to make sure no goal chance

You really are still struggling. I thought by Wednesday you’d be over it. But Thursday? You must have hit the jar hard.

Who said anything about anyone else? Did I saw other teams were guilt free? This is a discussion specific to Tyrone and the ridiculous statement they put out. Go back to your lunch time coca pops and Dutch gold.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 817939, member: 273”]You really are still struggling. I thought by Wednesday you’d be over it. But Thursday? You must have hit the jar hard.

Who said anything about anyone else? Did I saw other teams were guilt free? This is a discussion specific to Tyrone and the ridiculous statement they put out. Go back to your lunch time coca pops and Dutch gold.[/quote]

what’s the constant reference to alcohol?? fail to notice that others agreed with my post that night you fookin emptyhead…you’re a spoofer kev…we both know it…you still haven’t answered other lads questions about why you disregard provincial and league titles…maybe you could address them little man?..

Because you act like an alcoholic. It’s that simple. Non existent or cranky at the start of the week, gradually coming around and being more affable and sensible as the week goes along.

What questions? I answered anything asked. I don’t rate the provincial titles since they were devalued by the back door. I do not believe the odd Monaghan type win is enough to justify the fucked up championship as it is.

I would rate the league higher than provincial is if it was played later in the year and performance directly related to championship. But it’s also hard to equate as it’s tiered, unlike provincial.

That answer your question?

I rated Donegal cos I rated their manager and felt he had the wherewithal to get them peaking again at the right time. Instead he went bananas and against all recent evidence of past 2 years lost the plot and also seemed to emphasize the wrong points of the year and probably over trained by the looks of it.

I had a feelingMayo would be particularly good this year, but they are even better than I expected. They mirror in determination and focus Donegal of last year.

It will be interesting if that tunnel vision or Dublins more relaxed. (But also impressive) approach works in the final.

I’ve never been surer of the two semi final winners.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 817984, member: 273”]
I would rate the league higher than provincial is if it was played later in the year and performance directly related to championship. But it’s also hard to equate as it’s tiered, unlike provincial.

That answer your question?[/quote]
Its not really answering the question I asked, no.

You say you would rate the league if it was played later in the year. But its not, so where do you rate the Provincials in the overall scheme of things?

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 817984, member: 273”]Because you act like an alcoholic. It’s that simple. Non existent or cranky at the start of the week, gradually coming around and being more affable and sensible as the week goes along.


Kev has moved on from the online psychoanalysis and into the online intervention market.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 817984, member: 273”]Because you act like an alcoholic. It’s that simple. Non existent or cranky at the start of the week, gradually coming around and being more affable and sensible as the week goes along.

I rarely drink anymore buddy and non existent at start of the week is due to playing 5 a side…

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 817984, member: 273”]

I rated Donegal cos I rated their manager and felt he had the wherewithal to get them peaking again at the right time. Instead he went bananas and against all recent evidence of past 2 years lost the plot and also seemed to emphasize the wrong points of the year and probably over trained by the looks of it.

I had a feelingMayo would be particularly good this year, but they are even better than I expected. They mirror in determination and focus Donegal of last year.

It will be interesting if that tunnel vision or Dublins more relaxed. (But also impressive) approach works in the final.

I’ve never been surer of the two semi final winners.[/quote]

Donegal have a great manager…he got every last drop out of that team playing ,contrary to what people say, a very basic gameplan based mainly on huge effort and discipline…they were always going to lose their edge and all the effort took its toll this year with such a small squad…not taking the league serious really did cost them…
I would hope Dublin beat Kerry but wouldn’t be as sure as you…as Dublin will allow Kerry a lot of possession and regardless of miles on the clock all those Kerry lads know how to play football so I don’t see it as clearcut as you but hopefully you’re right…[/quote]

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 817913, member: 273”]
And what the fuck are they appealing the 2 red cards for? Both striking of fences correct? Tough shit, game over.[/quote]

Fuck it that’s harsh. Who’s fences did they lash out at?

When’s the appeal gonna be know?