The Official All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2013 Thread

He showed all of this in last few games himself and Declan are busted flushes.

Kerry are in worse shape than they like to admit. They were being very honest over the winter, but they lost sight of reality a bit.

The 2 O’Se’s, Galvin, 2 O Sullivan’s, Donaghy and Gooch all on their way out or in serious need of re-invention.

another article from a mayo player telling the world they are on a misison…not one mention of the oponents…kieran shannon really earning his corn this year with the mayo interviews…every sentence is carefully`planned…horan´s interviews are the exact same…
O shea says exactly what i was wondering regards donegal…its as if last year they bought into the Donegal invinciblilty and only afterwards realised they could have won the final…when it was too late…so this year they are going out to convince everyone they are like donegal last year…you would actuallly fear for mayo football if they lost this match…they really just think all thay have to do is turn up and play in order to win…i can´t work out if it´s actually confidence or pure desperation at this stage…

[quote=“scumpot, post: 832223, member: 182”]

another article from a mayo player telling the world they are on a misison…not one mention of the oponents…kieran shannon really earning his corn this year with the mayo interviews…every sentence is carefully`planned…horan´s interviews are the exact same…
O shea says exactly what i was wondering regards donegal…its as if last year they bought into the Donegal invinciblilty and only afterwards realised they could have won the final…when it was too late…so this year they are going out to convince everyone they are like donegal last year…you would actuallly fear for mayo football if they lost this match…they really just think all thay have to do is turn up and play in order to win…i can´t work out if it´s actually confidence or pure desperation at this stage…[/quote]
It’s a bit like Tommy Morrison convincing himself that he didn’t have HIV.

He didnt

He had AIDS?

Tommy said no.

His mother said yes.

took this from an article I read earlier…this is ridiculous and no benefit to the game long term…the GAA need to introduce a cap on sponsorship if they are serious about GAA being competitive for all and also being an amateur sport…

Earlier this week, the Dublin county board announced a ground-breaking €750,000 per annum sponsorship deal with global investments company AIG, who previously sponsored Manchester United. By comparison, Leitrim’s sponsorship arrangement with the Carrick-on-Shannon-based Bush Hotel is believed to be worth about €20,000 a year

[quote=“scumpot, post: 843944, member: 182”]took this from an article I read earlier…this is ridiculous and no benefit to the game long term…the GAA need to introduce a cap on sponsorship if they are serious about GAA being competitive for all and also being an amateur sport…

Earlier this week, the Dublin county board announced a ground-breaking €750,000 per annum sponsorship deal with global investments company AIG, who previously sponsored Manchester United. By comparison, Leitrim’s sponsorship arrangement with the Carrick-on-Shannon-based Bush Hotel is believed to be worth about €20,000 a year[/quote]
The party is over mate, International Rules matches against the Aussies is the future, so much so the players don’t even want to play for their Clubs anymore.

You are a prize tool

[quote=“scumpot, post: 843944, member: 182”]took this from an article I read earlier…this is ridiculous and no benefit to the game long term…the GAA need to introduce a cap on sponsorship if they are serious about GAA being competitive for all and also being an amateur sport…

Earlier this week, the Dublin county board announced a ground-breaking €750,000 per annum sponsorship deal with global investments company AIG, who previously sponsored Manchester United. By comparison, Leitrim’s sponsorship arrangement with the Carrick-on-Shannon-based Bush Hotel is believed to be worth about €20,000 a year[/quote]

It’s unfair to compare those 2, but I do agree there is an issue. I can’t see they getting much more of an advantage than they already have (massive pick, play at home) because if cash until theyactually start paying players or at least allow them to live professional lives.

The Dubs have a nice set of circumstances now with so many students and a few lads working for themselves. But I think people get carried away as well. The sponsorship will help no doubt. But it’s club coaching and a general good structure over many years that wins all Ireland’s.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 843956, member: 273”]It’s unfair to compare those 2, but I do agree there is an issue. I can’t see they getting much more of an advantage than they already have (massive pick, play at home) because if cash until theyactually start paying players or at least allow them to live professional lives.

The Dubs have a nice set of circumstances now with so many students and a few lads working for themselves. But I think people get carried away as well. The sponsorship will help no doubt. But it’s club coaching and a general good structure over many years that wins all Ireland’s.[/quote]

thats where the sponsorhip comes in Kev. If you have that kind of money to spend on equipment, full time coaches, training, games etc, then you will get more involved and get more out of it. I know with ourselves that we could not enter some blitz tournaments because there was no funds to pay for the bus or food on the day.

If only I hadn’t been ridiculed for fundraising I could have helped yee out

here, I do have something in that line to talk to you about. check your texts.

It’s not that you did the fund raising, it’s that you want the Nobel Prize and to be Knighted for it that irks.

Who’s fault is that? Dublins?

The GAA should help ye if it’s that bad, but that sounds outrageous.

You’d think fat cats like bandage would help out his own county or at least use his influence up in the big smoke.

To me, from the outside and based pretty much only on what ye lads say, ye are either incredibly lazy, incredibly incompetent, or someone is stealing money somewhere. I’m not talking about individuals here or anyone specifically, just as a collective.

I’m not trying to dismiss the economic situation, but others are doing well. Similar or smaller counties.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 844170, member: 273”]Who’s fault is that? Dublins?

The GAA should help ye if it’s that bad, but that sounds outrageous.

You’d think fat cats like bandage would help out his own county or at least use his influence up in the big smoke.

To me, from the outside and based pretty much only on what ye lads say, ye are either incredibly lazy, incredibly incompetent, or someone is stealing money somewhere. I’m not talking about individuals here or anyone specifically, just as a collective.

I’m not trying to dismiss the economic situation, but others are doing well. Similar or smaller counties.[/quote]

We love to complain then to let someone else sort it out for us.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 844170, member: 273”]Who’s fault is that? Dublins?

The GAA should help ye if it’s that bad, but that sounds outrageous.

You’d think fat cats like bandage would help out his own county or at least use his influence up in the big smoke.

To me, from the outside and based pretty much only on what ye lads say, ye are either incredibly lazy, incredibly incompetent, or someone is stealing money somewhere. I’m not talking about individuals here or anyone specifically, just as a collective.

I’m not trying to dismiss the economic situation, but others are doing well. Similar or smaller counties.[/quote]

not Dublins fault at all. but it does impact long term on competetiveness. If you have one county who gets millions direct from the GAA to fund hurling, whilst they also have the largest sponsorship deal, its obvious they will progress at a far higher rate than others who dont have tha money. its just a simple fact that other counties have to get on with and do what they can.

as for our specifics, wont get into it much here, but the county funds were seriously depleted by farcical land selling and purchasing in the boom for development centres. that has impacted long term. it costs serious money to run both adult and underage set ups, and without much financial backing, sponsoprship or fundraising, things get tight. and dont forget, we would be one of few counties with our numbers fielding at top level in both codes, where you might think other smaller counties are doing well in comparison. although I’m not sure we are really that far behind similar or smaller counties in terms of where we are. its not great, but we’re not at the bottom either.

When Dublin eventually get around to repaying the “investment” Croke Park made in Dublin hurling, has anyone any thoughts on how it should be divided up? It could be a windfall along the lines of opening Croke Park lines. I propose Laois get .05%, that would fund us for decades I imagine.

After we bail out Kildare again there’ll be nothing left.