The Official All-Ireland Senior Football Championship 2013 Thread

[quote=“The Runt, post: 778294, member: 181”]The “stamping” incident was a thing of nothing.
The clever boy thought he’d hold a mans leg, he got a kick, lesson learned.[/quote]

All well and good if you get away with it-my point is that, from the replay I saw, it looked like the referee had a clear view of the incident and he deemed that stamping your boot down onto a player’s chest lying on the ground is fine. What if he miscued the stamp and got him in the head and your man died of brain injuries? What then Runt? Fucking ref should’ve been kidnapped.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 778294, member: 181”]The “stamping” incident was a thing of nothing.
The clever boy thought he’d hold a mans leg, he got a kick, lesson learned.[/quote]
Horsebox started off well, but now he’s trying to act controversial, should have known it was too much to expect.

The ref used his common sense, in his head he probably thought “good enough for the cunt”.

Sorry pal, but that was a kick back as opposed to a stamp. 2 very different types of assault.

Yes he did. That’s his job. Fuck you Horsebox.

That’s simply not true. The game is faster, there is more tackling, more movement more everything. This in turnseans more interceptions, more mistakes. The actual skills have not diminished, in fact I would say from view they have improved. More players have a different range of passes ad kicks in their Skillset. Watch games back along. Look how high and slow the soloing was, how poor the handling was. And that’s all at a slower pace. I also read somewhere sometime that the scoring % have hardly moved at all over the years. The scoring though is much higher, falling in line with everything else I mention above.

I think you are brushing everyone with the Laois brush.

It’s not that the footballers are not there. The issue is with who they bring thru and develop. Many counties make this mistake. Kerry or Tyrone don’t, Donegal don’t now. They have footballers who they have made into athletes. It’s the best way to go. Cork seem to be turning that way as well, this U21 team that lost, may in a way, be better than the teams that won. They weren’t as athletic, but have a few pure footballers. It takes intelligence to break down the big teams now, Running thru them won’t work anymore.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 778347, member: 273”]That’s simply not true. The game is faster, there is more tackling, more movement more everything. This in turnseans more interceptions, more mistakes. The actual skills have not diminished, in fact I would say from view they have improved. More players have a different range of passes ad kicks in their Skillset. Watch games back along. Look how high and slow the soloing was, how poor the handling was. And that’s all at a slower pace. I also read somewhere sometime that the scoring % have hardly moved at all over the years. The scoring though is much higher, falling in line with everything else I mention above.

I think you are brushing everyone with the Laois brush.[/quote]

Good call there Kev.

Those who say that the skill levels aren’t as good as they were probably can’t recall the time when they were actually good. I looked back at the Dublin Meath matches in 1991 and they were horrendous spectacles. About three points from play - the rest coming from Stafford and Rock frees. Lads getting the ball in their full back line, lumping it forward, it only hitting midfield or half forward and it breaking down again. Awful shit. Also a completely rigid 1-15 with no idea of tactics or variation.

Now the game is much better from the reasons outlined by Kev above. I would like to watch some of those Dublin Kerry matches for the 70s back, the ones Spillane goes on so much about, and see what they were like because something tells me they weren’t nearly as good as he makes out.

Kevin hits the nail with a lump hammer right there. Skill levels across the board are far higher than the tosh that was served up back in the day.

The speed with which games are played today makes shit of the pedestrian rubbish that was dished out in the '70s. Everything is relative of course and I have no doubt that if the great players of other eras were subjected to the level of preparation that today’s teams under go then I’ve no doubt that they would compare favourably.

I think you’re mistaking the tosh from the 70’s to lads in the modern era being able to execute simple skills under pressure. This is not a nostalgic lament. I am not basing it on the Laois set up, I am basing it on that I have seen. You will always get skills in counties like Dublin Kerry and the rest of the big 6 to an extent (even if many are resorting to brawn over skill in many instances) but in a lot more its the gym monkeys who are being sought out and pushed forward. The game has gotten more physical that fine, but there should be the ability to carry out simple skills, which isn’t the case. Gaelic football is far from the enjoyable spectacle it once was, this is the reason te godawful FRC was formulated, for all the good its done as it turns out.

It not being an enjoyable spectable has nothing to do with the skill level.

You can have the last word if you want because I haven’t the time or inclination to debate the issue.

Dinosaurs like Eugene McGee and Pat Spillane are embarrassing themselves.

They should what they did in my day for training. Two weeks before an important match the trainer would take the ball away and you wouldn’t see the ball again until you were going out onto the pitch for the match. For those two weeks you’d just do the laps over and over again. Then when you’d see the ball on match day you’d be really hungry for it and it would stick like glue every time it came near you.

Smaller or less successful counties got away with getting fitter than everyone else for a while. The big boys caught up, that’s the cycle of things. What’s happening now is though a real leveling out of skills. Everyone goes thru the same Go-Games, the same drills funnel around from coaching conference to coaching sessions everywhere. What’s happening is not a decrease in skill levels, it’s a leveling off of skills. Teams are more like each other far more than before. I think that might be fooling the casual, and sometimes not so casual, supporter in recent times.

There is absolutely no reason for Kerry to have more skillful players than Limerick, Antrim, Cork, Tipperary, Armagh, Tyrone, Galway, Derry. All these counties have bigger populations. Yet they do. Why?

They promote skills, from a young age. The thing is, and I fear for Kerry. Everyone is catching up on the skills. They had alot of football knowledge that was not shared in the past. Nowadays nothing is truly special to one county. Meath don’t play like Meath, Lerry an’t play like Kerry anymore, Galway can’t play like they did.

That’s just the way it is. That’s why tactics and astute management is even more important now, weather we like it or not.


I would certainly agree that the speed the game is played at is way faster than previously,and my complaints about lack of footballers is very much Limerick centric aswell, Kerry, Dublin, Cork, Mayo and Donegal have some fantastic footballers that would grace any era.

Spillane and the likes are muppets. Spillane would be on the late late show talking about how Kerry in the 70’s brought a level of professionalism to the gaa that had never been there before, then he’d go on about carrying sheep up the mountain on their backs. Next week then he’d be lamenting the emphasis on fitness.

The new levels of fitness do however make the field very tight and the game as a spectacle boring. I think a 13 a side team would solve a lot of the issues with the game. Be interesting for a trial in the McGrath Cup or such anyway

Kev do you not think the more the game becomes about teams playing systems the more you lose the individually talented footballers?.. I agree with MBB or whoever said that there is some amount of intercounty footballers who really lack the basics…especially the ability to kick the ball…the problem is that with teams funnelling back its the likes of the corner backs who are carrying ball up field and making the passes as they are ones with most space in front of them…usually they are worst footballers and in the team more for marking ability…think mcguinness noticed this and a big difference with Donegal last year and the year previous was the corner backs ability to solo out of defence and give a pass …

you could argue Mcguinness´s tactics are spawned from the lack of skill in IC football - fcuk all players able to kick a quick accurate 20-40 yard pass over a blanket defense and fcuk all players able to kick a point from past 45 yard line so concede possession up to there and funnell back to protect the goal…
I do think teams are beginning to cop on to this and now you see the likes of gooch playing further out the field…

Re football in 70´s people forget Spillane´s greatest asset when he played was he was ten times fitter than nearly everyone else…

[quote=“scumpot, post: 778501, member: 182”]Kev do you not think the more the game becomes about teams playing systems the more you lose the individually talented footballers?.. I agree with MBB or whoever said that there is some amount of intercounty footballers who really lack the basics…especially the ability to kick the ball…the problem is that with teams funnelling back its the likes of the corner backs who are carrying ball up field and making the passes as they are ones with most space in front of them…usually they are worst footballers and in the team more for marking ability…think mcguinness noticed this and a big difference with Donegal last year and the year previous was the corner backs ability to solo out of defence and give a pass …

you could argue Mcguinness´s tactics are spawned from the lack of skill in IC football - fcuk all players able to kick a quick accurate 20-40 yard pass over a blanket defense and fcuk all players able to kick a point from past 45 yard line so concede possession up to there and funnell back to protect the goal…
I do think teams are beginning to cop on to this and now you see the likes of gooch playing further out the field…

Re football in 70´s people forget Spillane´s greatest asset when he played was he was ten times fitter than nearly everyone else…[/quote]

Generalised horseshit. Seriously. Making up stuff to suit your argument. Just because a corner back’s primary role is to mark doesn’t mean he can’t play football. In fact corner backs often come on to the end of moves now and need to be able to finish. Frank McGlynn’s exploits last year being a wonderful example.

Do you people actually watch gaelic football? Or are ye like Waldorf and Statler in the gallery moaning about the way it was in your day.

I know MBB has a couple of All Ireland minor medals but he’s way off the mark here.

[quote=“scumpot, post: 778501, member: 182”]Kev do you not think the more the game becomes about teams playing systems the more you lose the individually talented footballers?.. I agree with MBB or whoever said that there is some amount of intercounty footballers who really lack the basics…especially the ability to kick the ball…the problem is that with teams funnelling back its the likes of the corner backs who are carrying ball up field and making the passes as they are ones with most space in front of them…usually they are worst footballers and in the team more for marking ability…think mcguinness noticed this and a big difference with Donegal last year and the year previous was the corner backs ability to solo out of defence and give a pass …

you could argue Mcguinness´s tactics are spawned from the lack of skill in IC football - fcuk all players able to kick a quick accurate 20-40 yard pass over a blanket defense and fcuk all players able to kick a point from past 45 yard line so concede possession up to there and funnell back to protect the goal…
I do think teams are beginning to cop on to this and now you see the likes of gooch playing further out the field…

Re football in 70´s people forget Spillane´s greatest asset when he played was he was ten times fitter than nearly everyone else…[/quote]

Gooch playing out the field was a no brainier for me. I think that’s almost a taste thing. Jack O Connor wanted hard running center forwards, he dabbled with Gooch once I think but prefers him inside. Fitzmaurice may as a former No. 6 be of the opinion, I’d fucking hate to have a fit hungry Gooch out marking me. It may also as you suggest have to do with unlocking defense. ThAts why Cork are not, up to now, playing to their strengths. They now have 3 players who can unlock a defense in Collins, Kellt and Sheehan.

I don’t think you see a lack of skill ability in the top 6-7 teams. They now pressurize the lesser teams to such a degree it’s make some lads look average. Thing is these same lads would be absolutely tearing it up at club level. Their skills are grand, it’s the speed if the game. I remember fellas ridiculing Derek Kavanagh about mistakes he made, usually under pressure from Donaghy or someone, yet 2 weeks later he’d be attacking from full back spraying outside of the ball passes 50 Meters over some lads head into James Masters for Nemo. It’s all relative.

The smaller And less developed counties always have lesser players. Sometimes they figure out ways if hiding that, sometimes they get caught up with. You go to any sport in the world, go to the highest level, once you go outside the top 5-6 teams the standards drop quickly. Always have, always will.

[quote=“Appendage, post: 778530, member: 11”]Generalised horseshit. Seriously. Making up stuff to suit your argument. Just because a corner back’s primary role is to mark doesn’t mean he can’t play football. In fact corner backs often come on to the end of moves now and need to be able to finish. Frank McGlynn’s exploits last year being a wonderful example.

You really are a dumb cunt… if you read the ´generalised horsehit´ you would see i specifically mentioned the donegal corner back´s performance last year you fookin idiot…what do you go and do ? mention him by name as an example against my post …stop wasting my time u utter clown…:rolleyes:

You also implied that corner backs have no skill and can’t kick football. Just carry the ball and hand pass it.