The Official Fair City Thread - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

What’s going on in Carrigstown?

Is The Galley still taking a lot of custom away from McCoy’s?

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Leo’s missus Lana is missing. However a friend of briantinnion says he saw her just strolling around Dublin. Even if she’s left him, she should give Leo a ring. The poor man’s out of his mind with grief.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Get me some more details Clarkey and I’ll tell Nicky down in the pub next weekend and get him to pass on the message to Leo. Fair fooks to tinnion’s mate - Leo’s been beside himself in the last few weeks. Selfish bitch.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

The poor Leo chap doesn’t know what to do with his large hands any more.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

I think Gerry McCann has Lana. Or maybe Harry Molloy isn’t dead and they’ve eloped to Russia together. THis will be exciting stuff as Leo and Dolores hear of this and both set off to find them only to fall deeply in love and therefore creating a messy fued between the two couples. Only for everyone to realise the error of their ways and everything will be forgotten about as other characters get bigger storylines for a few months and we wont see or hear from Leo, Lana, Dolores or Harry.

Where has Carol “big t!ts” Meehan been the past while? I havent seen her

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

I read in the past that Bella is one of RTE’s top earners. It’s not because of any particular talent he has, more because he’s been there for about 100 years. Even though he probably started out on 5 shillings a year or something his annual pay rise every year has brought him up towards the top bracket of earners because he just won’t fook off. So he always stands out in these lists because he looks out of place in the company of what RTE consider to be their main stars. It usually goes like this - RTE top earners: 1. Pat Kenny, 2. Gerry Ryan, 3. Ryan Tubridy, 4. Bella from Fair City, 5. Marian Finucane, 6. Miriam O’Callaghan, 7. Mark Little, 8. Bryan Dobson, 9. Sharon N Bheolin, 10. Marty Whelan.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Surely Chaz deserves to be on that list. He’s the guardian of Carrigstown. Such an improtant figure and head of the neighbourhood watch.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

I have it on good authority that Bella ain’t too happy with his lot of late. All he does is tell Leo he doesn’t know what to do. If this continues I think we might well see Bella top himself around the turn of the year, possibly in a New Year’s Night special. I’m not sure about the method of departure, though, maybe a Hutchence.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Juhniallio wrote:

I have it on good authority that Bella ain’t too happy with his lot of late. All he does is tell Leo he doesn’t know what to do. If this continues I think we might well see Bella top himself around the turn of the year, possibly in a New Year’s Night special. I’m not sure about the method of departure, though, maybe a Hutchence.

Thats been Bella for a few years now. His most exciting storyline in recent memory was when Sergi thought him how to beat Chaz at dominos. Rivveting stuff

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

I was chatting to a Fair City actor pal of mine (see celeb spotting thread!) and he said Bella actually walks the way he does in the show in real life too. I think he had prostate cancer a few years back and when he came back after getting the all clear they wrote a ‘Bella diagnosed with prostate cancer’ storyline (the scriptwriters really earned their corn here) to explain why Bella was walking funny. I’m not an expert on the prostate but there was definitely a scene around 2001/02 where Bella either pissed or shat himself, shouted out ‘OH, NO!’ and then had to go off to get his prostate checked. Since then he’s been nothing other than a glorified extra. My, how the once mighty have fallen.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

I heard years ago that he didnt do his rehabilitation exercises thus giving him the limp he currently has.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Anybody know what the craic was with last night episode?

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

No, I was watching the Ireland match Ben.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Ireland match?

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Anyone remember the time Jimmy Doyle married Lorraine Molloy (daughter of Dolores and the late Harry)? I’m not sure if it was their honeymoon or if it was just a holiday they went on a while later or what but they went to Florida for a couple of weeks. Then I was watching the show one evening and Dolores got a phone call. A frantic Jimmy was on the other end of the line with the awful news that Lorraine died in a fooking hurricane. You just can’t beat writing like that.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Classic scene with Bella last night using a computer trying to join some website.

Bela: Username? Whats my username?
Jimmy: Whatever you want. Use your own name.

Bela types in username: belabela

Bela: Password? How am I supposed to know the password?
Jimmy: You make one up yourself Da.

Phone rings. Jimmy answers

Bela: Make one up? I make up any word?
Jimmy: Yeah Da, Im trying to take care of a bit of business here(returns to phone call)

Bela types in password

Bela: Ah whats going on here? The password is just a load of dots.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

I knew there must have been a reason why I kept spotting Colm O’Maonla in the Dublin 4 region of late and Fair City last night pieced everything together for me.

His character Rory (the undercover cop who gunned down Lorcan last year) is back in Carrigstown working for ‘the drugs unit’. He’s already had a few clandestine meetings with Carol though nothing has happened between them yet. Carol admitted to Ali that she had seen Rory and Lorcan’s widow was none too impressed, 'How can you go around with the man who killed your son?, she roared.

Bella’s still working in the sandwich bar.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Im surprised this isn’t a sticky :grin:

Any craic with the show? I must admit I’m finding it difficult to dedicate my time to watching this show of late

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

I saw a bit of it on Thursday. There’s an American guy called Chuck after showing up in Carrigstown. He’s been throwing the money around in McCoy’s and buying rounds left, right and centre for the whole pub. He took Charlie and Mags and Bella and Rita out for dinner too the other night but left behind some pills. He said they were for indigestion or something but Bella, who found them, asked that doctor chap before handing them back to Chuck and he said they were for a heart illness. They’re wondering if he’s got a terminal illness now and is spending his last few bob over in Ireland having a good time before keeling over and croaking it. As if you’d go to Carrigstown to hang around with Bella if you were dying. You’d go to Vegas and bang a load of hookers.

Jimmy Doyle’s having an affair with Lorcan’s widow, Ali, but is having doubts because he feels guilty about cheating on Robin and Aii keeps obsessing about Carol hanging around with Rory and going on about her betraying Lorcan.

The sets were top notch, the plot and dialogue superb and the acting faultless as usual.

Re:Official Fair City Thead - Has Bella Not Died Yet?

Oh yeah I saw a bit of Jimmy a while back begging Ali to meet up with him. Bit dirty I thought.