He’s a shit actor and that’s saying something for FC, it’s obvious that Sorcha has talent and he’s surfing off it
Hard to believe that Fair City is still going.
Abhorrent waste of money in fairness.
This problem gambler fella is in big trouble I’d say
The old gambling addiction is an awful thing
Paul Merson was addicted to drink, drugs and gambling. He said gambling was by far the worst and is the only one he is still suffering with the consequences of today.
Lost £9,000,000
It’s the oldest one in the book, do enough drugs or drinking and you’ll end up falling down or visibly fucked, maybe dead,
Gambling is the silent one, worst of all
He’s after stealing a big wad of cash now
I havent seen Fair City in several weeks
How bad bother is Anto in? Who he steal from?
I take it Sharon and Hayley dont know?
Anto seems in right shtuck,
He robbed the money from Hayley of all people.
None of the family is aware of what’s occurring.
They’ll find out soon enough.
They always do in soaps……
Who’s up to late night shenanigans with the lovely Jane these days? Alex’s father was teasing her about it there.
Our gambler friend is fucked now,
what is the latest re Anto?
He owes 25grand, his wife found out the extent of it last night
It’s a good storyline, first time in 20 years that I’ll sit down and watch a full episode when I catch it
When the missus caught him last night he was talking about getting out of it with a few winners
And he’ll lose his job for opening the post
Who is this Simon dope?
Supposed to be a primary school teacher who cross dresses. Seems to be getting pally with Dean and Sean. He’s “a bit much”. Extremely pushy about renting that house from the solicitor.
Bella still tipping around the place is iconic.
Who’s this new wan with the strong roaster accent?
Aishling Kearns is her real life name. She has quite the following on TikTok. I think she’s a relatively well known actress for something before Fair City.
I see poor Bella was wheelchair bound on yesterdays episode.
Plenty of cut to proceedings tonight.
What happened? I missed it. Are Damien and the lovely Mairead from Cashel still out of pocket to the rogue property developer?