The official GGA "stars" facing jail this year thread

Local resident here and you are wrong on all accounts. The family are upstanding members of our community. Sports people in their own right at amateur & professional level with successful careers. The building in question was derelect for many years falling to rack and ruin. There were two kids only 12 who went into the building. I saw the child twice after and i have never seen injuries like what i witnessed. He was in a wheelchair due to the extent and seriousness of his injuries. The family have endured tremendous pain. Where I am an avid GAA & Clare supporter none of us can condone what has happened to this small child. Also as a retired Solicitor if it was money they wanted they would of went to the perpetrator privately. They have followed the law and the whole community is behind them.


‘Would of’

You don’t see that from solicitors much


fuck it, we should’ve stuck it out!

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I thought we’d a new poster from Mullinahone for a moment.


Trespassing and criminal damage is not following the law



Wrong on the nursing home part too. Also there have never been any private property signs up until recently as its been purchased by an Aviation company.

I am retired.

FFS :rollseyes:

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Why?? Would he/she/it/they/them be able to read them??

A derelict building is a playground to any normal 12 year old.


Where do families like that get a wheelchair so quickly??


I’d be suspicious of a 12 year old who didn’t go poking about in a local derelict building, or a building site

Not saying he was innocent but that alone is hardly warranting a few whacks of a Hurley


Yes in my day we were always in and around building sites looking for a few bits for a treehouse. I suppose youngsters today wouldn’t know what a treehouse is.

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Sure you used to clean out the orchard above in Tipperary too …

Kicking the shit out of a 12 yr old child isn’t a great look for anyone, let alone a fella built like Gilligan

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I’d say youngsters today wouldn’t know what an orchard is.

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The community rallied to help the family and as I have said they are all professionals and lovely people. We as a community are upset and shocked.