The official GGA "stars" facing jail this year thread

Who the simple Limerick here? :joy:

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It is normal for any child to go around buildings that have been left derelect for so long and wide open. He didnt deserve anything that happened to him. If it was such an issue why not just bring him home to his parents they only live up the street.

The place has been derelect there is actually nothing in that building too damage. It had no windows and the door was wide open. Who ever is saying criminal damage is completely wrong. I pass the building at least twice a day. Its different now since an Aviation company has bought it. Private Property signs are visible and it is getting re built.

Hilti pellets and bandgun ammo also :grimacing::grimacing:

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Gallybanders we used to call them.

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We used have great crack with the hilti pellets too til the gardai came round the school :grimacing::grimacing:


I remember after a while the builders in around got wise to the bands going missing and they became a scarce commodity. We were rooting round a site looking for them. I lifted an oul sheet of plywood and found about 20. Was like striking oil. Still can picture it.
The double barreled bandgun then :slightly_smiling_face:
Took one in the face once playing bandguns in the dark in a room. That was sore.

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We used to play a game called Knucks with these things that were robbed from the iron foundry. They were used for smoothing or something like that.

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When I was about 11 they started building a few thousand houses in what was essentially our back garden, before that we could walk for about a mile before coming to the river
It was a superb playground, and allowed my old fella the opportunity to do a rake of building himself
Group4 security were no match for us


We had the kinsale to Dublin pipeline less than a mile from our house, I don’t know how we weren’t killed or maimed. And leave it to the three factories down the road from us :see_no_evil:, climbing silos and breaking into buildings…

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I suspect most of the middle aged tut tutters here had similar enough experience

Trespassing :grinning:

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Gilly fucked the Joe Player’s when they bought a house off him about 10 or so years back.


What Gill did was wrong, no doubt about it. No grown man should hit a 13 year old in anyway shape or form. Kids will be kids but you just got bawled out it and punished at home if you ever got caught.

He could have got hould of him and gave him a scare and let him off for sure.

Can’t quite believe that there are lads justifying this in any way shape or form. There are no excuses. It is appalling. Taking a plank to a young child. It’s the behaviour of a menace to society.

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No better man

Wonder will he get bird for it?

Doubt anyone here is defending the assailant.

Throwing shade at the 12 year old boy could be considered defending the actions of the adult


That would be Clare for you. Play the man not the ball.