The official Roman Catholic thread

We all partiedā€¦

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I canā€™t wait for Mass at the weekend, this thread as really got me in the mood

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Its hard to police the banter when it doesnā€™t exist in the first place to be honest

the only thing wrong thing that happened here was that the babies that died whilst they were being cared for did not get a proper funeral


Except the oneā€™s screaming about it the loudest are atheists like @ChocolateMice. Atheists screaming for proper Christian burials, you simply couldnā€™t make it up.

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you couldnā€™t make it up

the nuns only crime was loyalty and compassion

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What makes it ā€œMUST SEEā€ Joe?

I caught about two minutes of Mary Lou pontificating about nuns and not taking their word about the status of lands in Dublin and that there were no more babies bodies buried there. I thought Mary Lou should consider the fate of Jean McConville and Joe Lynskey when she opens her fat gob.

The fate of the mothers and babies was horrendous but their families (indeed for most of us that could read our families) and society in general are as guilty as the nuns.

Provoā€™s going on about people not getting proper burials, scum that actually did murder people, you couldnā€™t actually make it up at this this stage, do they even think before they open their mouth

are we saying so that the runs murdered all these kids buried them in a mass grave like something youā€™d see in Srebenica?


Ich bin ein Berliner.

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Fuck off you prick

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Posting Tin Tin Oā€™Toole articles ffs

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They probably still think he is relevant out in the colonies.

Imagine the horn he got when he read that this morning.

Actually perhaps dont.