The official Roman Catholic thread

I’m genuinely lost at this stage of the game on this thread. Poor fishing territory IMO.

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Will you stop with the bullshit. Half the fucking country was starving. The mortality rate for babies and infants was 5%, that’s 4,000 per year. The mortality rate for illegitimate children not in homes was fucking 20%. Do the math for the 30 year period from 1926 to 1956 when TB eradication efforts started to take hold. There were 10,000 dying of TB a year in Dublin alone during that period, half of them children. Homes like Tuam were far saver for poverty stricken children than shitholes in Limerick and other cities at the time.

Yes, a bunch of nuns came over from France to starve Irish kids to death as punishment. You are some ghoul/gowl/gomie/gobshite.


Another fucking essay. Take a sabbatical to fuck.

Go fuck yourself slurry boy, or at least go back to just posting emojis.


I have no doubt the Nuns did their absolute best to help those children, however that doesn’t suit the narrative that “the evils nuns murdered those poor innocent childer” there’s some awful gobshites posting on this website in fairness, screaming mullallys just itching for any opportunity to be outraged


The Mullaly Oirish feel a terrible guilt about not going to mass and riding around too much. So they lash out at a few nuns to make themselves feel better.


The Mullally Orish will latch onto any cause to try and get outraged with faux outrage, they don’t give a shit about the babies

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They feel guilty about all the babies they killed themselves.


A new low for TFK if this is what passes for banter these days


if they want to talk about murdering babies these pro abortionists should look at themselves very carefully before getting on their high horses, the absolute gall and hypocrsy of them

You really are a tedious gobshite.


Rightly or wrongly, the Church is getting some kicking … but, but, but it was ‘society’ -

It was society, man. Society did it. What could the church do against society… let’s say it again, society.

so - ci- ety.

I mean, we couldn’t have the Church challenging societal views and influencing people for the better, that’s not their job. Just send out the baskets, fill the coffers and maintain control over SOCIETY.

the mullally Oirish would sicken you, blame fucking everyone except themselves for being a race of cunts, blames the brits, blame the church, blame the politicians , blame the guards, the IRFU, blah blah blah, I am so oppressed, absolutely never wants to take responsibility, self righteous pricks

Oh look, it’s Constable MacBanter and he’s here to police banter on the forum.


That’s some rant in fairness.

It’s absolute tripe and insanely stupid but it’s a rant all the same.

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the self importance is absolutely dripping of his post

another one that gets me is “the banks fucked us, Europe fucked us, the IMF fucked us” no, it was never greedy paddy building and buying 25 houses for himself


i find myself nodding along in agreement with you here

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Would you often nod at a computer screen, mate?

Stop moaning you boring cunt.