The official Roman Catholic thread

Jesus, the best ww2 exhibition in Berlin.

Leave it go.

No, I didnt, mateā€¦ The Jewish one was the only war related one we went to.

They are your words, not mine.

Jesus was a cunt

cc @The_Most_Infamous

Jesus was also a Jew,

Youā€™re letting hatred eat up you up.

The core principles of Catholicism are good.

I hate the Jews tooā€¦and the Muslims. You are all brainwashed cunts.

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He had a hard day on the phone. Give him a break.

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I understand your hatred for the Catholic church and agree it has been a very destructive and divisive organization, regardless of what good individual members have done (and you canā€™t argue that point, if you look honestly at the charitable works by Christians and Catholics in history and today). Thereā€™s no doubt that at the individual level, deeply religious Christians are inspired to do great charitable works by their faith. Thatā€™s not to say that other religions and atheists donā€™t do charitable work as well, they clearly do.

Iā€™m interested in why you regard Jesus as a cunt. Now, Iā€™m not convinced he even existed as a real person, rather than a mythological figure like Cu Chulainn, but the philosophy thatā€™s attributed to him can be briefly summarized as ā€œdonā€™t be a cuntā€. If you study what he is purported to have said or inspired, including non biblical sources (Gospels that didnā€™t make it into the bible, like Thomas for instance), itā€™s hard to find too much to argue against. The direction his followers took, especially after converting Rome to Christianity, is an entirely different story.


SpongeBob Squarehead is here with his tuppence worth after boring the bollox off the Polaks in the office all day about St. Patrick.

Why would I be blowing about some Welsh guy?

Great post mate, Jesus Christ was very much an alright sort.

He wasnā€™t Welsh.

Far nicer guy then the Muslim prophet anyway.

Was he from Tipp?

Ah, he didnā€™t exist. Thereā€™s not one contemporary source that records a man who walked on water, cured the blind or was put to death as the son of God. If he did exist he was a con man and he ripped off Buddhism and his followers ripped off every other pagan religion that went before them.

Nah - He was Romano-Briton - Wales didnt exist in the 5th century.

Walking on water was an analogy pal.

The Sun should be worshipped though.

The Sun and Jesus whether its through translation have been confused for 2000 years.

The whole of the bible is an analogy ffsā€¦ as @anon7035031, itā€™s no more true than our own folklore.

If he didnā€™t exist, how can he be a cunt? Do you have the same hatred for other mythological figures, like Thor who apparently was a right bastard? You sound a bit irrational on this subject, but hate can do that to people.

Relax - it was a throw away comment to wind @The_Most_Infamous upā€¦ Of course he didnā€™t exist.