The official Roman Catholic thread

The Catholic church wonā€™t let me leave, but you can transfer over to the Prods - Iā€™ll be putting in transfer forms over the summer and will be looking for a smooth exit in the new year period.

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Are you switching sides after discovering that 2/3 of Germany was Protestant and the Nazis persecuted the Catholic Church? Some historian.

@ChocolateMice getting an awful chasing here from Labane.

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Hitler was a Catholic Chef.

Wikipedia catches him out?

I thought it was common knowledge.

they are an awful shower too bud, be careful

Hitler was a pretend Catholic mate, raised Catholic so as Catholic as @ChocolateMice. If you are interested in facts, any Christians who openly criticized the Nazis ended up in concentration camps, the members of the confessing church the most notable.

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Have you been promised a signing on fee?

Most of the Nazi hierarchy were Catholicā€¦ But I couldnā€™t give a shite reallyā€¦ Iā€™m switching sides to exit stage. The Nazis in Rome wonā€™t let you leave a church you never willing signed up to but you can get a transfer and then leave the Prod church. Itā€™s the long way around, but like all those young women forced to get on a plane to England for a medical procedure, itā€™s a journey Iā€™m willing to take.

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Irrelevant. Under Unam sanctum, they own your soul.

How can they own something that doesnā€™t exist? :joy:

Why is @anon7035031 bringing up the IRA

Its called an analogy Joe.

Big word your so brainy

Lovely line from tomorrows gospelā€¦

Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, ā€œRabbi, eat something.ā€ But he said to them, ā€œI have food to eat that you do not know about.ā€

Pure resilienceā€¦ not unlike our man on the downs today.


I actually can, mateā€¦ I had a good conversation about that place last night and it wasnā€™t the paradise you made out, far from it.

i worked with a family (uncles, nieces etc) of presbeteriions (lasted 3 months, the few bits of cursing i think got me fired.) a horrible and seriously reclusive shower. they also only told me the day i started that they were presies and started preaching we love the lord jesus christ, etcā€¦, cunts

I donā€™t know anything about it mate, did I accidentally suggest I did?
I merely posted a link to an article that I found interesting.
What was the crux of your conversation as a matter of interest?

1/10 for effort.