The official Roman Catholic thread

My thoughts to the publicans, one of their two days off in the year, gone. For shame.

Weā€™re still number 1 mate, the religion of choice in Oirland.

And lessening every year - You and I both know half the people that ticked ā€˜Catholicā€™ are not in any way, shape or form practicing. The next census will be very interesting on this front - A good few of your mainstay will have died off of old age by then -

Drinking bans and the like will not have been known to a whole generation, who will only associate the church with something their grand parents went to before they died.

Testing times ahead for your lot.

Iā€™d imagine the Irish-born Catholics on the census has significantly dwindled. Itā€™s the likes of the Polish-Irish folk who are probably keeping the numbers steady

And the Filipinos. They are very devout

God bless them.

And the pretend Catholics, how could you forget them here of all places.

78% after all the stones youā€™ve thrown at us for decades.

Parents still flocking to Catholic schools over the hippy dippy community schools, as weā€™re simply the best.


Are you getting married in a Catholic church?

Please leave our differences aside guys


Through him, and with him, and in him,
O God, almighty Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor is yours,
for ever and ever.


You have to laugh at all the auld pretend atheists giving it the ā€œI love a few pints and a stheakā€ on good friday, as if they are striking some sort of massive blow against us

Iā€™ll be celebrating the Passion tomorrow at the church where I was married in Co Roscommon.

I then plan to go to the Easter vigil in St Maryā€™s in Carrick on Shannon on Saturday evening.

I will then celebrate the resurrection on Sunday by having a few jars and watching racing and football in Carrick with my good friend @Funtime.

Happy Easter lads


I pray to the old gods.

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ā€œWhat about when you werenā€™t allowed eat meat on Fridays? How come thatā€™s alright now but it wasnā€™t back then? I mean did the people who ate meat on Fridays back then, did they all go hell or what? I mean itā€™s madā€¦ā€

Iā€™m going to a BBQ tomorrow. Iā€™ve spoken to God, and heā€™s ok with it.

So it was a two way conversation ?

I asked him to show me a sign if he was displeased. No sign came.

Me and God are tight.

Not a conversation.

His God is ignoring him.
God is dead