Slight over re action there.
As long as it was only slight
possibly (but unlikely) an unintended slight
The pious queen probably wanted to watch the Royal weddingâŚ
What royal wedding?
Lovely suprise there down at the school as I was voting against the abortion of babies.
Situated right outside the door of the polling station was a beautiful May Alter set up by the childeren of 5th class with the Blessed virgin Mary as itâs centre piece.
Mary Queen of May.
The diocesan inspectors must have been around, youâd be amazed at the fantastic altars and sacred spaces youâd see for about 3 days out of 182
A really bad day at the office for Roman Catholicism in Eire.
Itâs funny. The yes side campaigned for choice, not abortion. Now the success is victory is over the Catholic Church, not abortion?
You are extrapolating the noisy few into the overall majority here pal. The view or reaction of the church played nil percent (0%) in my decision making process. The same as it does for every decision I make on a day to day basis. And i have no animosity towards the church really
That was half of my point
I thought so too but seemingly it is victory over the Catholic Church.
Itâs a victory over the forces of cultural conservatism and thatâs a force that follows what the church says and seeks to put the church in control of Irish life.
Itâs a victory for choice AND a victory over the Roman Catholic church.
The second was wholly necessary to ensure the first.
Still no mention of abortion though
Donât worry mate, you wonât have to have one. Thatâs choice.
One what? Kid? Thatâs not choice.
I was out in the car there earlier, on Marlborough Street, when I noticed that works were underway at Donal Stanleys Clerical Outfitters shop, which has lain vacant and shuttered for what must be twenty years now, in as potent a symbol as any of the decline of the Faith.
What do you mean, did you get hit in the groin by a strimmer?
No yes sometimes sure what can you do.