The official Roman Catholic thread

I don’t want the church running the hospitals. That’s not what you said. The nuns did provide a much needed service back in the early days of the state when we were broke.

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Ah I stand under you now. We’d have been less broke if we could have used the money the church were scabbing off people to run out own hospitals. The thing with the schools and hospitals is if the church hasn’t muscled in to do it the state would have done it and we’d all be in a better place.

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Run me the financial model on that.

Why do you think Irish religious orders so successfully rolled out in other countries their educational facilities?

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Fairly straightforward, show us your calcs.

I’m not sure what your second sentence means. When the state was broke it found money to build houses, it would have done the same with hospitals.

The worst type of cunt in the country is the type that’s on their knees at mass on a Sunday morning

The absolute dregs of society have taken to supposedly supporting church values, we’ve seen the far right costing up to the church in recent times

The biggest most unchristian wankers on TFK are nearly all pretend churchgoers

But I know some priests and have known plenty in my lifetime, nuns also and they’re mostly sound

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Ah here; I go to Mass pretty regularly and am pretty liberal in my outlook and voting. Tarring all people who attend mass with the one brush is pretty offensive.

Plus, I doubt many of the far right idiots and howyas are regular mass goers


Read again, perhaps I wasn’t that clear,
I have the utmost respect for most massgoers, my parents aunts and uncles, in laws etc

I read it again. Don’t know how you’d claim to be misinterpreted there.


Mea culpa so, badly phrased maybe?
I’m sure you know what I meant

You mean when houses could get thrown up anywhere with cheap labour, shit materials and no consideration of transit orientated development.

I asked you to show us your calculations. The Church’s role in education and health in Ireland predates independence.

One of Ireland’s most successful exports was education despite the fact that it wasn’t an independent country. Why do you think there are Christian Brothers schools all over the world and that they are some of the most prestigious ones in many countries?

There are nuances to a discussion like this. In your world the Church are shite because they opposed abortion, the end. It is typically myopic thinking.

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I mean you literally said;


I know, I already said :man_shrugging:


This is closer to what I meant if you want to get all literal

But I’m certain everybody knows what I mean and you’re trying to belittle it with pedantic reading :neutral_face:

Nah honestly I’m lost.

Took me a few goes but I think he’s saying you’ll have people at mass who are cunts. Not that the people who go to mass are the worst type of cunts.

Going to mass does not make you a good person, or a bad person for that matter.
A lot of people on their knees of a Sunday morning are the biggest hypocrites you’ll meet and don’t follow Christian values,

People holding those values do not do so out of fear or love of God, most people are just decent and look out for each other. They don’t need the church for that.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has been summoned to the Vatican to be excommunicated by Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope.
One of the good guys getting the boot. He’ll be missed.

My maternal grandmother had 6 siblings, one of whom went into the priesthood and two of her sisters joined the Poor Clares order of nuns. That trend was repeated around the country in many families. It was employment, like it or not. For many folk, there were three options - farm a bit of land/work in family business (if you were lucky enough to inherit it), join a religious order, or emigrate. Like i said previously, i’m not here to defend the sins of the church, of which there were many.