The official Roman Catholic thread

Would the evening Angelus be a good place to start?

Actually, @Tassotti - any interest in saying a mass on Saturday evening or Sunday morning? We can get volunteers to post first and second readings and so on.


Iā€™d love to do a sermon.


Do you not see the irony in the fact that theyā€™re not supposed to have a great lent?

No.* Youā€™re a little cunt. Now letā€™s just leave it at that.

*I know fuck all about lent,pal.


You give one on a daily basis, kid.

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Brilliant. Well done @Tassotti

Going to bed soon, Iā€™ve been fasting all day.

Missed mass today unfortunately, Would normally go to Aungier St for lunchtime mass for today or anniversaries etc but couldnā€™t get over so went to CUS on Leeson St. Itā€™s been a while since I was there for mass and to my disappointment there was none on.

Iā€™ll go on Saturday evening and Sunday this weekend to make up.

Off Alcohol for lent. Did it in 2013, itā€™s easy enough.

Gave up sugar years ago and never went back on it so giving up salt this year too.

Holy and Healthy. God Bless All.


Clear off kid. Itā€™s a bit weird the amount of time you spend in here. What with you being a heathen cunt or an atheist or whatever. It really is. If you want to leer at Catholics there are plenty of churches in Cark.

@Bandage do they still have Mass on RTE on Sunday, maybe we could stream it live on this thread?

They have us heathens fighting amongst ourselves now. We walked straight into it

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Does this mean itā€™ll be April before we wake up on a Sunday morning to find youā€™ve battered the board in a drink and drug fueled rant?


Iā€™d be honoured to serve as Eurcharistic Minister.

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He never mentioned personal


Iā€™m claiming head alter boy.

Ps. That means I get to light the candles and blow them out ā€¦

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Good. It wouldnā€™t be nice if he disappeared into mac-like blandness for 6 weeks.

I think if @Tassotti offered a confession service it would be excellent. He could do it by PM. Would be great to have your confession heard by someone who understands the real world.


What ye should really do after the mass lads is a live confession. With @Tassotti acting on behalf of the clergy and maybe @HBV would like to cleanse some of his sins? Thatā€™s if he has any.

The high point of the year is the pentecostal procession. Can you outline a program to take us up to 15th May concluding with an appropriate event?

What am I seething about now mate?