The official Roman Catholic thread

Iā€™ll do as I please, mateā€¦how very unchristian of you.

About the forum saying a collective rosary once a week.

the heathens will never have what we have here in this thread, they just donā€™t get it

Why would I be seething about that? Fair play to them. I have no problems with anyone expressing their faith, good for them. Obviously I wonā€™t be partaking myself as I donā€™t believe in a shred of it.
Carry on lads, donā€™t mind bigots like Choco. I hope you all have a wonderful lenten period.

Jesus, palā€¦ Calm down. Youā€™ll give yourself an aneurysm.

Iā€™m perfectly calm. On the other hand, for some time you have been banging around this board like a spoilt brat 3 year old looking for attention and trying to pick fights with everyone. Youā€™re like a demented version of that other fuckwit mygirlgreen or whatever sheā€™s called. You seem to feel the need to get involved in everything, thereā€™s a horrible stench of ā€œlook at me, look at meā€ off you.
Seriously mate, itā€™s time you had a look at your behaviour on this forum. A little more circumspection, prudence and thought would go a long way. You should probably seek some advice from more senior forum members about mindfulness. You have the potential to one day become an important contributor to this forum and possibly to society. Relax a little and think before you speak. Hope the family are all well.


The famous @fitzy temper we all know and laugh at. Outstanding INTERNETTING @ChocolateMice. You dangled the carrot and the clown swallowed it whole.


A priest acquaintance told me that anything other than a mortal sin is not worth confessing. You are wasting your time and the priests time.
Say your prayers, talk to the big man directly every now and then and let him know you are thinking of him and admit to him that you are aware you have weaknesses. A bit of humility goes along way with our crowd.

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Yes, you bleat on in just about every thread now. As fisty has said you are the @myboyblue of 2015/2016.
Stuck in ever thread polluting the place.
May God strike you down you cunt for using this thread for this purpose.
Please leave.

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Ah, lovely :joy:

@fitzy has had a meltdownā€¦ One decade of the rosary and he short circuited. Unreal.

Fuck up.

Let them have their day of penance. By the weekend theyā€™ll all be pissed as newts, coked up to the eyeballs in the case of @Tassotti and chasing Eastern European whores in the case of @HBV. All non mortal sins however so no need for a trip to the molesters box, just a quick word with the imaginary sky fairy will suffice.


Peace be with you


And with you too

Nothing new hereā€¦ Sign in sickos @hbv , @tassotti

If i feel i might have stepped over the line without it being classified ā€˜Mortalā€™ i do the following, sometimes repeat it 3 or 4 times until i feel like im right againā€¦

O my God, I am very sorry for all my sins,
because they offend you who are so good,
and with your help I will not sin again.

I confess to almighty God,
and to you, my brothers and sisters
that I have sinned through my own fault
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do;
and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin,
all the angels and saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.


This is how you finish an earnest confession lads. I think is probably the most important bit myself.

Dear Jesus,
thank you for helping me to make a good Confession,
and thank you for taking away my sins.
Help me, dear Jesus, never to offend you again.
Mary, my mother, pray to Jesus for me.
My dear Angel Guardian help me.

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