The official Roman Catholic thread

Spoilt for choice kid.

The English Roman Catholics really know how to lay on a program of masses.

Enjoy your day and of course welcome home.

Wow. Just wow. The best decision of my life. Just having a coffee trying to take it all in. The English catholic experience is unreal. I cried when they sang " on eagles wings" tears of happiness


The message today was one of reconciliation. I thought of our own lost sheep. Fitz and Labane and I prayed for them. The priest waited outside at the end and shook my hand. He made me feel part of something very special.

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I thought of myself when Satan told Jesus to turn the rock into a loaf of bread. I thought of the lovely loaf of sourdough Jesus could have made for himself. But Jesus rejected Satan


Whilst they aren’t the good guys, it was lovely to see the Christian spirit being shown to Richard Dawkins following his stroke by the Church of England. That’s what Christianity is all about.

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There are many rooms in our lords house pal. He has room for everyone if they’d only open up their hearts.


wrong thread mate

0:40, unreal, that’s the bit that always gets me, tears were pouring down my face at that bit, great multicultural turnout as well, unreal, we are back baby, its great to be back where I belong after years in the wilderness, I am a son of God.


Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen

We are really on a roll here now. Lads going back to mass and others googling their favourite hymns and so on. Lots of reconnecting going on. A lot of praying too.

Faith is seriously powerful.


I nearly went to the 6pm service there I was so motivated and enthusiastic after this morning


the English Roman Catholics have really moved with the times and have incorporated technology into the service, they had big screen either side of the altar, and there was a video message from the Bishop instead of a sermon, stressing the importance of reconciliation, unreal production values and everyone was totally engrossed in what he had to say


We have Easter coming round soon. That’s exciting.
I’ll pace myself with a mass either next weekend or the one after and then one early March.
I’ll gorge then at Easter though, ill probably go whole hog with the trimmings.

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What I love about being a Roman Catholic is that we have the best annual celebrations.
Christsmas. Easter etc.
I love the way the heathens for example despise us but still celebrate these festivals.
A loudmouth atheist Catholic hater such as @ChocolateMice for eg will no doubt acknowledge and celebrate Easter and buy gifts for his princess to mark it.
Think about that for a second lads.


You starved of attention or something?

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A vile disgusting organization. How anyone with a conscience or a functioning mind can support them is beyond belief. Particularly in Ireland with the history of abuse and cover up. A bunch of sadistic men in frocks that truly believe they are above the law and a sick organization that supports and protects them. Anyone failing to report sexual abuse of children should be locked up as should anyone promoting the idea.

The irony is the man who supposedly started the religion would condemn the lot of them to hell.

They are all pagan festivals that the church “borrowed”, so heathens actually have more right to celebrate them than Christians.

Why do heathens celebrate a pagan festival on a date that is set down by the Catholic church, kid?

Christmas and Easter are pagan festivals originally from Babylonian times that long predate Christianity. They were chosen by the church in the 4th century to help convert pagans.

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