The official Roman Catholic thread

Thereā€™s a documentary on BBC tonight. Apparently it was purely platonic, they just went on a few skiing trips and talked philosophy. He even wore two pairs of shorts when they went swimming, out of modesty. Wouldnā€™t want anything to happen accidentally like that poor Muslim chap recently.

from what I hear, she was one of the few people on his level intellectually, isnā€™t that wonderful?

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Platonic? As in they only did it in the arse and not the fanny?

Itā€™s always nicer when you can talk to them as well

Through him, with him, in him,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor is yours,
almighty Father,
for ever and ever.

I canā€™t wait for Mass on Sunday.

Iā€™ve no idea what yis are banging on about, but I will confirm I am an atheist, as I do not believe in any concept of a higher being, god, whatever the fuck weā€™re calling it this week. I dislike the term atheist also, I do not see why I should be defined by my belief / disbelief in your god dude.
As for Christmas and Easter, thanks, Iā€™ll gladly take them.

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Your not an atheist, you are just confused, you will find your faith again, we will welcome you home fitzy

The man who brought down communism

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Eh no mate, Iā€™m definitely an atheist.

you are in denial, just like labane, you want to be loved and accepted back, the door is open, we want you back

Think out it this way, there are roughly 4,000 different Gods that humans have believed in, fitzy doesnā€™t believe in one more than you.

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Iā€™m not an atheist

Ours is the right one

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We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
and of all that is, seen and unseen

Fitzy, are you afraid of death?

For lads who donā€™t believe in God, @anon7035031, @Fitzy and @ChocolateMice seem to be spending a huge amount of time in this thread.

Whoā€™s your favourite saint, lads? Iā€™m a big fan of St. Anthony, St. Martin and Padre Pio. I also like St. Peter, I had quite a spiritual experience in the Basilica in Rome when I was at his statue and have had a soft spot for him ever since.

Asking the expert about crime first. Wrong thread.

Fitzy wants to know where the Lord God, protector and saviour, was when he was ruthlessly attacked by a vagrant near a Dublin bus-stop all those years ago. His life spiralled out of control at that very moment, and deep down heā€™s bottled up a lot of anger for the Lord God since. Itā€™s a testament to his lack of faith that itā€™s come to this. The Lord has not forsaken you @fitzy. At times, the Lord tests us, but we are all his children and will one day be with him again.

Itā€™s not too late to repent.

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St Anthony has never let me down