The official Roman Catholic thread

What part of ā€œIā€™m not an atheistā€ are you having difficulty understanding?

[quote=ā€œbriantinnion, post:697, topic:14079, full:trueā€]
For lads who donā€™t believe in God, @labane1917, @Fitzy and @ChocolateMice seem to be spending a huge amount of time in this thread.

[/quote]they want to come back, they are just afraid to make the first move in case they look foolish, this is a time of reconciliation, our doors are open boys, come home

we get it, we all see the struggles you are enduring, donā€™t fight it anymore, accept yourself and come home

I would sooner join the Hitler youth, whoops canā€™t do that Iā€™d be joining your last pope.

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You canā€™t go wrong with Saint Paul. Some of the lads polluting this thread could do with going on the road to Damascus as well. If they end up finding the right way then great, If they end up in an orange jump suit though at the end of it then so be it.

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you donā€™t really mean that, its heartbreaking to see you struggle with yourself like this, and poor fitzy, anger is such a useless emotion, God has no let you down

they can be saved, and they will be saved

I have no problem with my God pal, itā€™s yours I donā€™t believe in.

Massive fan of St Jude myself.

Fisty is an atheist but will proudly celebrate St Patrickā€™s Day.
@anon7035031 the same, except he will justify his predicament by arguing Pat was a Welshman or a heathen or whatever some such irrelevance.

I think the boys are closet Catholics, caught up in the ā€˜Iā€™m an atheistā€™ bandwagon.
Theyā€™ll be back.


is the classic school yard scenario, where the boys pull the hair of the girl they really fancy whilst pretending to hate her, why would they spend so much time in this thread? they are obsessed with Roman Catholicism. Its so obvious they are gagging to come back

Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Heavenā€™s Armies! The whole earth is filled with his glory


The stone that the builders rejected has become the corner stone mate.

God bless you this lentan morn.


Beautiful sunny day here. Thank God. Great day to be a member of the Catholic Church

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My favourite saint would be Saint Anthony. Probably because heā€™s the one iv had most contact with and he has also been the one who has helped me the most. Nobody is perfect not even a saint but youā€™d be guaranteed a circa 80% return when you reach out to the great man. Thats my experience anyway.

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Do you think altar boys pray to St. Anthony to find their innocence after a priest has taken it?

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Very interesting turn of events recently when one of my offspring came home wanting to know more about St Bridgit. It turns out Bridgit is the Saint whose portfolio includes bastard children/children out of wedlock that type of thing.