The official Roman Catholic thread

No it wasnā€™t you fool.

The study found that women who donā€™t go to mass are far more likely to commit suicide. They have God in their soul and can enjoy life.

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I take it back, on closer reading it turns out that a catholic mass is actually a stronger deterrent to suicide than a protestant mass. As I said simpletons donā€™t have much to be worrying about.

Are you making your way through the newspaper

Itā€™s a great read. I feel very enlightened after reading it. Canā€™t wait until the next issue.

Fair play to you boy, full of Christian charity today to forgive me my earlier indiscretion as well. God bless you.


Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a mass going thread, but I made a rare trip to the local church last night for an anniversary mass.

Some observations:
Punctuality for mass-goers has gone to shite. The second reading was in full flow and there were people still marching in.

Someoneā€™s phone rang throughout the first reading. The whole lot of it. I presume it must have been the person doing the reading.

A decent sermon from the padre - basically said that prayers and mass alone are not the way to be a Christian. We need to help the less fortunate and all that or we wonā€™t get in the gates of heaven and all that Catholic bullshit.

Mass is expensive business. Some local lad I know through the GAA was on the tidy towns church gate collection so Iā€™d to hand over money there. Then the fucking basket goes round. I wonder when the church will add some kind of electronic payment system?

There was no live music or singing which was a massive letdown. Mass is a boring enough affair, but sometimes a decent blast of an organ or a good singer can liven it up. To make matters worse, they piped out some stuff from a CD at a barely audible volume. Most churches have great sound systems and someone needs to teach the local sacristan how to use the volume controls.

I was always a fan as a young lad of the old sign of peace. A good opportunity to demonstrate some sense of machismo with a good stern handshake. Thatā€™s gone. Now we ā€œget a moment of peaceful reflectionā€. I was fucking livid. Probably some of the soft townie cunts who moved over the border didnā€™t want little Johnny getting germs.

Anyway, I wonā€™t get a trip to mass again until the next funereal or wedding so said Iā€™d give my synopsis. Amen.


Iā€™d say thereā€™s never a choir at Saturday night mass, why reward the lazy pissants who wonā€™t get out of bed on Sunday morning.

Hey pal, got it confirmed that itā€™s the same set-up on Sunday. Down from a peak era of three masses per Sunday to one - no one woman and an organ, no choir, or no secular folk group playing wishy-washy non-hymns. Just the tape of religious songs.

The decline of the Catholic Church in rural Ireland continues.

You should make your way up to St Josephā€™s some Sunday morning, nice choir there. I only get to mass a couple of times in the year, donā€™t get much from it but I sometimes enjoy the peacefulness and sense of camaraderie.

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Iā€™m looking forward to mass on Sunday.

St Marys Cathedral is beautiful.


I see where the Catholics are not allowed to keep the ashes of loved ones who have been cremated at home or scatter them on pub floors or the like anymore. They have to be kept in some sacred, blessed place. What are ye all planning on doing lads, burial or cremation? Personally Iā€™ll be cremated and the ashes scattered in a place dear to my heart, as Iā€™m not a Catholic.

You will be roaring for a priest when the time comes


Why in the jays us would I do something as stupid as that mate?

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The compost heap


Fitzy will be scattered over his legumes, the heathen cunt.


Finally get a bit of use out of him.

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Rosary beads clenched in twisted fingers, eyes bulging and he roaring the ā€˜our fatherā€™ over and over againā€¦



Ill be cremated myself @fisty. I have a plot down the country that ill go into. Ive it paid for it and its mine. My ashes will go into it. My woman will go into it, she wants a coffin. Ill be having 2 masses. One before cremation in Mount Jerome in Harolds cross and then another down the country. Ill be carried from the church to the grave and the streets please God will be lined the short 300 yards or so. We wont be over doing the headstone like the tinkers do. A simple bit of stone with my name on it.


A bit of pebble dash stone Iā€™m assuming?

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Chap on the radio there this morning from a crematorium in Cork. Why are more and more people being cremated. Fear of being buried alive was the first reason he cited. Wouldnā€™t fear of being burnt alive apply as well though?


I assume its cheaper Fagan?