The official Roman Catholic thread

That was the second reason.

personally i like the idea of being maintenance free. i have two separate graves that need topping up next year after settlement that are currently unsightly. theres fuckall you can do until they have properly settled. i wouldnt burden anyone with that myself, but thats just me.
im trying to convince my missus to join me and not be leaving unnecessary housekeeping after us.

Heard an anecdote about Louis Stewart who died recently. He was dying from cancer and his son asked him if heā€™d like to be buried or cremated? ā€œSurprise meā€ said Louis.


Are we going to have to change the chat up line to ā€œhow would you like to be burned and then fucked in the air with my people?ā€


Lads, I have an awful craving for a Tridentine Mass, very hard to get them around here sometimes

Come on down to Limerick, the old Jesuit church on the crescent will see you right.

Try Brompton Oratory

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Not that it is much use to you on the mainland but there is a Church at the top of Mounttdown Road near Monkstown that follows the pre Vatican II Latin Rite. I only got to the one as a youngster, long before I started studying Latin so I didnā€™t fully appreciate it at the time. Iā€™d love to go to one now and it is on the bucket list.

As an aside I heard that the new President of UCD wants to rid Latin from all Graduation ceremonies from now on. Itā€™s another disgusting assault on Rome by mainstream liberals. I would be a firm proponent of making Latin in schools compulsory.

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Roaming in the Gloaming with the Shamrock in my hand

Roaming in the gloaming with Saint Patrickā€™s Fenian Band ā€¦

And when the music stops ! Fuck King Billy and John Knox

Oh tis great to be a Roman Catholic !!!

St. Kevins on Harrington street does a latin mass as well. I popped in one day for a look, itā€™s fierce long altogether, but youā€™d come away feeling very devout.

How does that feel pal?

Iā€™m gonna suggest, superior.

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Grand view from the top of the Basillica last week.


Epic scenes lads, Enda is to invite His Holiness to visit our people. The commonly held belief is, the invite isnā€™t offered, without the almost certainty that it will be taken up.

Franny is all but on his way, 2018, chalk it down.

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I attended (the tail end) regular sunday mass recently as princess and family were gathered to remembered her father -

  • Church was half empty
  • Very few people under 40 - there were a few parents with young kids but you know itā€™s just a token effort until communion is done in school.
  • Communion was always the time for young lads and a few lads wanting the pub to tip on away - I was shocked at the amount of old dears fleeing at this stage - was inconceivable when I was a kid - The place was near empty by the time mass finished.
  • No one even looked at the priest as they were leaving - they scurried passed him like he wasnā€™t even there.

In the next 20 years youā€™ll probably only have 4/5 churches left in bigger cities as most of them will be left empty - Itā€™s a win win for the Vatican tho as they can sell off all their redundant churches. Catholicism, at least the church going variety, is on its last legs, thatā€™s for sure.

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Do you mean the Priest was at the door saying goodbye to everyone? I thought the protestants were the only ones who did that?

He walked up the aisle and was stood at the back of the church -I donā€™t know if this is the done thing regularly

Abhorrent behaviour.

Cork cunts

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