The official Roman Catholic thread

The FFS sake is not working any more

He’ll get some shock when peter nuts him at the pearly gates

He’ll probably break in anyway.

Wonderful to see ahead of Catholic Schools week

First confession for the wean tonight

a great occasion


How did this go buddy? You’re a great father I’d say. Probably have a lovely way about you.

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It was great mate, its quite a special occasion, not like the way it used to be.

My pride and joy got the honour of doing a reading and she nailed it.

Im so proud of her I might take her up to the book shop after tennis on Saturday o treat her


What does she need a book for? Tell her continue with the bible studies, the greatest fairy tale of all.

I’m not surprised that she was selected to do a reading she seems like a natural leader with really good qualities and knows her way in life.
A chip of off the old block.
Congrats on being a top top parent.

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She sounds like a topper mate, make sure to call into Mr Simms or whatever your local sweet shop is as well.
Wait till team fucking communion, you’re guaranteed the on a roll badge that weekend.

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thanks mate

Ive actually took a few of your parenting tips on board which I have found very useful

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I’ve just watched Tubridy’s interview with Fr Brian “I want to be a celebrity” D’Arcy.

Is it time for the Vatican to censure him again ?

Can somebody link me up with a concise article regarding today’s shocking revelations from Tuam please.

Try this

Just your regular catholic barbarity on show … the day it dies in this country will be a great day.

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Una Mullally‏ @UnaMullally 3h3 hours ago

Please let this be a moment where we rethink the logic of having the Catholic Church have a say over women’s bodies in Ireland today.


The lady journalist who many here were trying to demonise a couple of months ago is the person who first broke this story.

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People are free to think and vote how they want. If the country wants abortion, so be it. Her point is out of date.

Any comment from the Christian fundamentalists ? @Nembo_Kid, @Bandage, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, @balbec, @myboyblue @The_Most_Infamous, @Tassotti

Roamin in the Glomin