Has there been any decent Superhero movie in the last 2/3 years? I watched the last Thor and Avengers and they were atrocious… Anything with a dark flavour worth watching?
Actually the last Batman was brilliant. Easily the best Batman movie of all time
Spider-man No Way Home
Decent if a little woke
Was it?
I must watch it again. I thought it was top notch… A class above the Bale movies.
Sorry, more so very emo. It was decent but a little overlong and angst ridden.
That’s what made it.
I’m a very positive minded person.
And that’s why you appreciate art taking you somewhere else…
Art did no such thing!!!
Looking forward to heading to Guardians of the Galaxy III tomorrow. Great movies, hopefully this tops it all off.
The second one was hardly great now, but the first was off the chain alright.
Get me that guys leg…
Well…what’s the verdict @Pirlo ?
Good overall! Went more into the story of how Rocket became Rocket. Very emotional ending. 8.5/10.
Was surprised at the end to see there’s gonna be a movie based on Starlord. Was delighted to see that.
Yeah really enjoyed it. Best since Shang Chi.
I haven’t seen antman 3 yet, does it feed into guardians much?
I can’t get over just how bad the writing of antman 3 was. The plot was so thin. Michelle Pfeiffer refusing to tell anyone about her time in the quantum realm was thin enough but then continuing to refuse to talk to anyone about the baddie even while being chased by the baddie. The defeat of the baddie was even worse, no clever innovation or anything, just “oh the ants did it”. The plot they had would about cover an 25 min animation or something.
No wonder Feige is hiring loads of expensive writers to rewrite films in the pipeline.