The Official Superhero Movie Thread

Hard to see how it moves things forward much.

Goddamit this better be good. Looks good.


Hook it to my veins!!!

Is the original series worth a watch?


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Frank :heart_eyes:

If you’re going to watch it you might as well watch the Punisher series as well.

Not the movies, don’t watch any of the movies, Punisher or Daredevil.

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I wouldn’t encourage watching The defenders. That was garbage

Helpful and informative rating. Did daredevil get better as it went along? Since I probably don’t want to have to watch three series of a thing would it work to just watch the third one?

About fucking time Galactus was brought in.

nicepool vs deadpool & ladypool would make a great movie

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If you need to end a world, there’s only one man you go for.

jokes GIF

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Ineson will do an excellent job he is top class.

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YARN | Finchy! | The Office (UK) (2001) - S01E03 Drama ...

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Finchy has made a nice wee niche for himself in movies, post-Office.

Dya reckon he likes a smoke or two?

Saw this last night - pretty shite. Harrison Ford tried his best to save it to no avail.

Marvel is in a tailspin. Hard to see what brings them out of it. They’re laying a lot at the door of The Fantastic 4 and we’ve all seen how thats gone in the past.

Who’d have thought America wasn’t ready for a black Captain America.

Going Sunday. Not expecting much