The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

You’re well capable of low 40s if you can hold that pace comfortably for 20k. Probably faster than ideal if you’re doing low enough mileage at the moment.

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That’s a great run and all the better you feel good after it.

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Flaking 5k from @Wexford1996 . Sub 18 :clap:


Great stuff @Wexford1996 :rocket:


@Rintintin @Bandage thanks lads. I ran out of steam a bit the last 2km but happy enough.


Some clipping today @Wexford1996 :clap:


Cheers, think I’ll get under 37 with a bit more mileage. Just not able to hold the pace for long enough. Great course though. Lad from the club won it in just over 30 mins and he ran it all solo.


Your old clubmate must’ve had a ding dong battle with the lad who won the Donadea 50 this year in the Wicklow half. They both had identical times but Sean was 2nd. They were 8-10 mins clear of the 3rd!

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Hadn’t seen that and the results aren’t loading properly on myrunresults for me. What’s the next race for you? Injury free?

“Groovy Kinder Love, starts in Hayfield. £10(Pre entry is £9!!) entry. Just over 20km, 16th September. Route takes in Kinder, Jacobs Ladder, Williams Clough, Sandy Heys, all the best bits around Hayfield.”

Right, entering this if anyone fancies a trip over. Can provide refuge. 3.5 hour cut off, which stevo assures me is generous :slightly_smiling_face:
Doesn’t sound generous to me.


“Actually the 3.30 cut off is the bottom of Sandy Heys. From which point the organiser doesn’t expect the back markers to take any longer than 75 mins to the finish. So, 4hrs 15mins.”

Further edit

“Actually 4.45 :roll_eyes:


Slowly getting there. Did the parkrun on Saturday at about 80% pace and felt easy enough. Slight throbbing in Achilles yesterday so still taking it easy for now. Thinking of aiming for the Wexford 10k at end of April but not to fully race it either. There’s a half marathon in the Dublin Mountains at the end of May I’d love to be able to do. And then a 10 miler in Danesfort in early June.

Not that I’m bored being injured and setting targets or anything… :rofl:


Did the Wicklow half yesterday, easily the hilliest race I’ve ever done.

Organisation wasn’t great. Not a single road closed anywhere and one stretch of narrow enough country road a Garda on his bike was shouting at people to run single file only the roads not closed

Suffice to say the PB days are well in the past


@Bandage are you fucked?

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Well done Ralphie. I think there are two separately organised Wicklow Half Marathons within a month or two of each other. Was this the one organised by Bear Races, the same crowd behind the Clontarf & Wexford ones? I’m going to be/appear quite snobbish now but I’ve gotten the impression (since joining a club & doing more races) that the events organised by the clubs are usually better. They’re not just out to make a buck in most cases, some of the events have been going annually forever & there’s folk driving them in the clubs & looking to put on the best event possible.


I’ve made a list of about 7 races I’d like to do in May/June. If I was running consistently I wouldn’t even be thinking about this. Just need to start doing a bit of training now I suppose :rofl:

I thought I was but now I’m not so sure. I received a more positive physio report earlier & got the all clear to resume running later this week. Calf strain 3 weeks ago & I was discouraged by different sore spots since last week. I thought there was little progress but was told that the strain itself is healing nicely & the sore spots/tightness are other areas compensating/working harder while muscle strength is building up again.

I’ve gotten 4 or 5 left calf strains in the 2 years I’ve been running intensively so there’s definitely some weakness there or something in the way I run that’s bringing it on.


The one yesterday was part of the trilogy with Clontarf and Wexford. All private money making rackets.

Slaney Olympic ran a charity 5k on Paddys Day with the Shamrocks GAA club. I don’t know what timing they had for it but the results that were posted were handwritten and by all accounts it was a savagely run event.

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On a similar note @Bandage there’s a bit of discontent building in the voluntary run IMRA (Irish Mountain Running Association) with the number of privately run events like EcoTrail and Quest and the likes. The bigger privately run events often canvas the volunteers to help out and run their events to clash with some of the big IMRA events.

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You might need to do some cross training to build up the calf strenght?
@Ambrose_McNulty or @KinvarasPassion should have some calf exercises.

I’ve to do some elevated heel squats & lunges so @Ambrose_McNulty is giving me a few books to stand on.