The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

Thanks lads, very happy with that.
A few very tough uphill kms into a strong headwind knocked the time back a bit but overall can’t complain. Wasn’t too far off @Bandage pre race prediction.

What’s the etiquette with chip time PBs v Strava PBs? Strava has given 41:06 cause i started the watch a bit early and knocked off to start to include the fast finish. The chip time is 41:25.


Chip is the only currency that matters. Great running.


Brilliant going @TreatyStones

Re Chip Time. That Adare course usually measures 50/60 metres long. You have the 10k a bit quicker than the actual race time as a result.

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No time to delay it for a photo first


Well earned


A man with a thirst like that should have a pint or two of water first

Who are you and why did you hack my buddy @spidey’s account?


You’d have run quicker if you didn’t have an abomination of a beard weighing you down :crazy_face:

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Definitely worth 30 seconds if I gave it a trim :grinning:

I know I have Limerick blood in me when I see a beard like that; mine is the same if I grow it out.

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Any race report/LEARNINGS? Give us a few bullet points when @Rintintin is gone to the bar or for a piss. I’d echo @Mac ‘s point about the beard. Is it one of those ones with random orange bits in it?

Have a look on Strava. It’s a mini rainbow

It’s 5 colours max.

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Thanks lads . The elusive 40 minute barrier still ever so slightly out of touch. Second half of the race much harder than the first with a tough headwind and a few tricky kms. I think possibly I might need to run a longer tempo also . Very happy with the time in general though as it was a PB by about 30 seconds and a course PB of nearly 2 mins. A week in Austria skiing and drinking pints may not have helped my cause . Shout-out to @TreatyStones for what I think is his first official 10k in a long time ? Maybe ever? Great time. If he has the time to keep running a bit consistently over summer he’ll have sub 40 soon enough. The build up to GLR starts now. 9 weeks out . Will throw a couple of tune up races in before it .


Bizzarely the run yesterday seems to have helped massively with sciatica issues I’ve had for the last few days. It was very sore Saturday night and Sunday morning. Expected to be crippled today as I could feel it all the way down my leg post race, but woke this morning and it’s the best it’s been in a week.


I’d say that’s the porter you had. The best painkiller out there.

Went out for a long run on Saturday and ended up doing 20k in just under 1:37 which I was delighted with. Hadn’t meant it to be particularly fast but a new pair of shoes and a fine sunny morning meant I went along at a reasonably comfortable pace - one of those days where you settle into a good rhythm. The last month Ive been purposely keeping it easy as I try and move past repeated hamstring strains so it felt good to be moving a bit faster for a change.

Some difference when there’s a bit of nice weather too vs going out in the dark and cold of a winter night wearing hats, gloves, tights etc…


That should reel a few in :smiley:

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What time would you run a 10k in? I’d be doing my long runs at a similar if not slower pace than that.

About 45-46 mins would be the best I’ve done 10k before.

Ah that pace was prob quicker than I should be doing a long run at. Just one of those days where it felt good.