The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

He must have hopped on a German Luas :grinning:

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I channelled my inner @Tassotti opened up my legs and expressed myself


The oul watch was unreliable for a few minutes.
Chip time was 1:34:50 but I ran an extra 400m

Happy out with that, 1:35 has been the aim and I was reasonably comfortable


Well done pal


Battle of Clontarf 10 Mile Race in the splendid St Anne’s Park on Easter Monday at 10am. Hosted by Raheny Shamrock & doubling up as Leinster 10 Mile Championship.

It’s a lovely park to run in, if any of TFK Dublin fun runners are at a loose end. I’ll be marshalling in an over-zealous manner for the race. Details here:


Some wonderful yet unobtrusive marshalling 6:00 into this.

“Slippy on the corner. Watch out lads.”


That is a fabulous effort. Well done.

Makes me feel ill looking at the speed of those lads.
I’m off to Macc forest with Melanie in 25 mins. My gear is all in a heap under the bed, and herself is still fast asleep. I’m in a moral quandary. Do I leave Mel’s wait, or wake herself up. I should have got it ready last night but I was too tired.

I always keep my all running gear outside of the bedroom for that exact reason, well, I have no Melanie to go with, :man_shrugging:, but you know what I mean

Quick question for ye lads. I’m signed up for the half marathon in Limerick on the May weekend and I see that Dooneen AC have their Michal Rejmer 10 mile on this weekend. Is it worth doing it in advance of the Limerick one? Only looking to survive the half, not a competitive runner at all.

No harm at all

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At @Rintintin did the Rejmer last year so he could give you a steer on the course. He was supposed to do it this year but some idiot football coach arranged matches that he has to bring a child to instead.

I’m doing the half in Limerick as well. I’ll try and get a long, hard run this Saturday (as long as it’s not too windy) and then just keep ticking over from there.


A 10miler 2 weeks out wouldn’t be the worst I’d say ? But I’d bow to the more knowledgeable posters on that, I wouldn’t be going at it full pelt . The rejmer is a toughie of a course. But I enjoyed it. Downhill very fast start for first few km. There is a long constant drag it almost felt like from Kms 5-10. Seems to even out a bit then. With a nice downhill on 15k

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Controversial morning. Was out for a run this morning with Claire, Aussie Ben and Aussie Ben’s daughter. Aussie Ben’s daughter is a lovely young lady, but is one of the coolest of the in South Manchester, so when I told our lass that she was coming, our lass said she’d come too, and to wake her up at 6 am for a 630 run , which I did. So we all set off nice and slow, did about 6k by which stage our lass who had done really well was looking tired. I suggested we did 1 (wan) hill sprint and then jog home, so we did, at the top of which our lass threw up and started having tears in her eyes. I feel a mixture of pride in her and absolute discomfort about what I’d put her through unknowingly. She’d even put makeup on which was running down her cheeks. :flushed::slightly_frowning_face:


No point peaking when you should be puking, she’ll be hopping off the ground come championship


Did Aussie Ben’s cool daughter see her puking?


Ergo, you’ve both done tremendously. Bring her to Gregg’s & let her pick anything from the menu.

She did. Everyone did. She’s absolutely mortified. I told her to wipe her mouth and hands on my jumper. She did, on the inside of my vest :grimacing:.
She’s been after a north face jacket for ages. I’ve refused saying it’s too dear. I’m wavering. I’ll try Gregg’s first

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Ah I see. I thought you meant that you & she broke away from the others after 6km to head home via a hill sprint. My initial response can be flipped, Aussie Ben’s cool daughter will surely respect the gutsy effort.

We all did the sprint. Aussie Ben took off like a stabbed rat. I was second. The two girls left Claire lagging shamefully in last place. :slightly_smiling_face:

In other news, Claire has gone peroxide blonde and looks well scary. I wouldn’t want to be grilled by her in a courtroom.