The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

If she did one puke and is done, she’s fine and will come back stronger.

Would she run regularly? A hill sprint after 6km is a shock to system to someone new to it!

No. She runs sometimes on a Saturday on her own. She said after 5k that she felt like she does after “two quarters of playing centre” (netball). I should have realised she felt worse than she looked. I’ve always had the utmost admiration for anyoywho can push themselves till they vomit, but it feels a bit child abusey tbh.

As for my morning effort, a status orange wind warning earlier in the week but completely calm & not a breath of wind down by the Wooden Bridge looking over towards Poolbeg this morning. So I went out onto Bull Island & it was very nice. Spring has threatened a few times but then shitty weather has returned. It’d be nice now if we could get out in consistently decent weather. I think I’ll try to get a month’s training in & do the Terenure 5 Mile on 14 May. Might race a Parkrun a week before it just to see where I’m at. All dependent on my calf playing ball.


What age is she?

I’ve only puked after one run (three pukes though) but I got heat stroke that day down in the Ballyhouras.

A farmer confidently told me yesterday that spring is here.

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A nice cool sunny morning today. I got out for a jog after three days of being stuck in meeting rooms in Limerick


Gave that a like here and on Strava pal.

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Probably setting myself up for failure but I’ve decided I’m going to aim for sub 1hr 30 for Limerick in two weeks time.

I’d be hopeful without being confident I can do it, was originally looking at 4:20 pace, but it doesn’t seem a huge leap to go from there to sub 1:30. I’ll either do a block of long intervals or else just a straight up 10miles and see how I’m fixed.


College Hoops Omg GIF by NCAA March Madness

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give it a fucking rattle. You’re flying fit.


You’re well able for it

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Give it a go at any case. Nice course, the only thing are the ramps over the motorway. But there are hills on most courses.

I think that’s achievable, you’re metaphorically flying in training. There might be a 1:30 pacer to use as a guide too but you’re as likely to be ahead of that.

Ya I’ve never felt better to be honest. I hadn’t thought of the pacer angle. Last year I just happened to fall into step with a woman doing exactly the same pace as me so we followed each other around until she dusted me at the start of the last KM.


You have the pedigree. Its well within your compass.


No motorway ramps AFAIK
Good enough course, some small drags but very flat really
Good luck @TreatyStones Im also signed up but would be very pleased with anything u set 1:34

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You’ve go up the one at Old Crecesent. Caught me on the hop a bit last year and i panicked for a minute

That’s the one, by the rugby club. Need to come back over it again I’m sure too.

Also the tops for this years event as easily the worst event tops I’ve ever seen. They are ridiculously bad. Last years was extremely poor quality as well. The organisers of the event get away with murder.

The one/wan I got for 2019, the black one, crap.