The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread


Race a 5k or else do 12/14km easy this weekend (with an eye to the HM the following weekend)?

Do 5k as a tempo.

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When you gotta go, you gotta go.

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Did the Wex Half today (cc @Bandage). Had set myself a target of 1:42 with a fallback of 1:45 so I was delighted when I got under 1:36. Just one of those days it worked out. Having started back running last year it was the first race I’d managed to make the start line after a series of hamstring incidents.

Hillier than I 'd expected although the last flat bit is a tough ould go at the end. Not much wind this year though.

Well organised event and a good buzz around the town.


Fair play :clap:

Hopefully the lack of medals at the finish wasn’t too much of a downer!

Well done, that’s a cracking time. :clap:

You’d have awful FOMO today between Strava being full of the Wexford Half Marathon and 10k, London and Hamburg marathons and a clatter of other runs going on around :hushed:

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Did you do it today as well @count_of_monte_crist. Could have been your twin I seen…

A lad from SA I was talking to today said exactly same as yourself! Fair play :ok_hand:t2:

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Shocking omission of today’s Letterkenny Super Sprint triathlon, that had some of us back out of retirement.


That’s outstanding
Well done

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That’s a savage run :clap:

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Did a decent run around UL yesterday in advance of the half marathon next Sunday and the Limerick Triathlon Club had a big event there as well. Some seriously fit people involved in that I’d say.

That’s an outstanding effort. Excellent. Well done.

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I was in Wilmslow yesterday. There was some kind of triathlon on. I may have only passed the back markers, but it really was all ages shapes and sizes. Some of them were in their late seventies I’d say, and some looked like they were going to die.

I wasnt down there today, Colin Farrell was rumoured to be partaking so it might have been him you saw…

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The joey hHannon Triathlon was on in there at the weekend. Some serious athletes doing Tri alright but they seem to welcome newbies at all levels. I’ve noticed Triathlon is a real rich persons sport or is that just in my head? I’d really like to branch out and do a bit of it . Need some swimming improving lessons first though.

Ah I should have known that’s what it was. From what I saw there was a huge variety in the bikes being used with some seriously impressive kit at the front of the field especially. They certainly wouldn’t have been cheap.