The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

How did Tullamore go @corner_back? Over 1100 finishers. Massive race

Huge numbers alright. It’s run really well. It’s a great club. They have it down at this stage. Like a military operation. Perfect day as was relatively cool with no wind. Starting an hour earlier helped too. Course record broken in men and women’s.
Delighted with my own race. 1.35. Had an awful day last year and ended walking after 9 miles. Went conservatively enough for first half and ran a decent negative split. It’s a great way to run a race. Inevitably I’ll probably forget that lesson next year and make a hames of it again chasing some time.


Well done, that’s a great time

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Great stuff, well done. :clap:t2:

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Brilliant stuff @corner_back

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Well done @corner_back

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I’m doing fine with the long runs. My advice was you progress them weekly for three weeks and then take a step back. I ran a half marathon this morning at UL as a step back run but I ran it with a good friend I don’t meet enough. We had two hours of chatting on the run and it felt so much easier than those long solo efforts.


Yeah, long runs on your own are tough going. Too much time to think. Probably good to do the odd one to prepare for your marathon but so much easier with company

Most of the rest will be solo unfortunately. This chap is on Kildare so might pop down and do a long one on canal greenway with him.

Not sure if I posted this before but this might be useful for some for the last big long run if the date fits your schedule. 5km loop around a forgiving Donadea surface. Pacers and water stops so good practice for the big day.

I did something similar this morning doing 5km-ish loops from the house and left gels and electrolyte drinks at the gate in a cooler. It was as monotonous as hell but made some difference to energy and hydration levels. Gels aren’t much of a problem on long runs but doing water drops etc can be a right pain in the hole.


German lad in the Tri club here doesn’t even swim in the top lane just went 9 hours dead in Roth :flushed::flushed:

Excellent run today @tallback. You’re in some shape. How are you finding the long runs?

Cheers. They’re tough to be honest - more of a grind than anything and running on tired legs isn’t easy either. That being said I plug in the earphones, line up some podcasts and try and get into a rhythm. Nice to hit milestones though.

I almost made a bollox of the one today. Woke early and wolfed down a banana and headed off. After only 5/6k I knew that wasn’t going to be enough - even with the couple of gels stuffed in the pockets. I stopped at the first open shop and got a nutrigrain and rice crispy square and that got me around.

Dropped the 2 year old off for his first day of Montessori then and on the way to work I pulled into the Dunnes cafe in Cornelscourt - opened the laptop to tap away at some emails with a monstrous Irish breakfast in front of me :laughing:

How’s your training going?


Mine is going fine. I know my body isn’t built for huge mileage weeks but I’ve put down 195km for August relatively unscathed. I don’t think I’ve ever had that consistent a few months before. I’ll do approx 27km on Sunday. I’ve exact distances planned for the upcoming long training runs so the plan is to try and stick to that as much as the body allows. All going well, I’ll get around the course. I’ve no great time ambitions. Just want to actually enjoy it, as corny as that sounds. Why bother otherwise though? Part of enjoying it will be hopefully having the work done in advance.


That’s fair going too. Usually where I go wrong is going too fast/too far for what my body can actually take and then having to spend a week or two on the sidelines. Learning that discipline is coming slowly!


My man says next week is to be an ‘easy week’. Knock 20% off the volume and 20% off the intensity and then get ready for the last big rumble until the taper.

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Great to hear all the prep for DCM. September is a great month for getting the long runs in. Take it easy and learn to run slow. Speed work if you want a time once I week (or so I’m told)


Anyone still planning to do the Ratoath half next wkd?

I was planning to but have to give it a miss. Looks like it’ll be a warm one

Might be a stupid question but is the fairyhouse section on grass or on tarmac around the track?