The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

I bought two pairs of running shoes there and I’m barely running these days :man_shrugging::grimacing:


It gives you your 7 day load ,your load focus and your exercise load . Each activity will have a load assigned to it in a figure of how much effort was used basically optimal load range to keep between and what benefit each activity was for you. From Recovery ,Base, Tempo, Threshold, Vo2 max. Tis all a load of bollix really I suppose really but I’m not sure the Strava ones are any more beneficial . This is all within your training status on Garmin connect BTW.

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But you can’t show that stuff off on social media like Strava, and you don’t et any kudos which is the more important thing, also comments like “Tassotti you are a fair animal, out at 04:45 doing a 15 miler, what a legend” It makes me feel like a big man


You can do all those things on Garmin Connect, but Strava is more popular

What a buzz when one of the top, top, athletes from the running club follows you on Strava unprompted & dishes out some kudos. They must have noticed your name towards the end of the results in some inter-club race or something & sought you out to offer encouragement. Reminds me of when Larry O’Gorman would pop into Faythe Harriers U12 or U14 training to tell us how great we were.


And you’re wondering if you should subscribe?? Stump up the cash ffs!

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Delighted with my run just there.

Set out to do 4 x 2km intervals / 500m off.
Was absolutely fucked at the end of the 3rd one, was all out to hold target pace. Was baulking at the 4th one but said I’d just do it at a slower pace, started to get back into a rhythm and by the end of it I was going below my original target pace. A bit of trumpet blowing but fuck it I’m happy with that.


How’d you find that course today @Bandage?

He went down to Enniscorthy and walked all over the cunts. Just like he did in that u12s game all those years ago.

Found it grand, a fair test! First 2.5km-3km was a rolling type affair with more of a downhill twist. Then a drag into the wind back up the Old/New Dublin Road towards Enniscorthy for around 1.5km and a flattish km to complete the 5km loop.

I lost it a bit on the uphill section on each lap and those 4th & 9th kms were my slowest by a fair amount. Not a stunning backdrop or anything but I enjoyed the run in the end. I had a 4:20/km / 43:20 target in my mind so 4:23/km / 43:50 was okay.

I say I enjoyed it in the end, but I mentioned to coach before that I think the DCM going poorly dented my confidence. I’ve done a few proper races, parkruns and internal club races in the last 2 months and I’ve been battling my inner demons each time! It’s kinda gas/sad - my mind telling me it’s going terribly and to stop from early on in all these races & me talking back to myself. You’d swear I was fighting for medals or something rather than trucking along mid-pack.


Running is mad that way. It’s as much mental as it is physical. I remember going through a similar phase when trying to run a fast 5km a few years and regularly hitting 3.5km and my mind telling me to quit cos I was too tired etc. Thing is, it only takes 1 good run to make them go away usually.

Everyone thinks that course today is flat but the drag up nearly always has the wind in your face. It’s a regular route for many of the county road races. I wouldn’t be a fan of it at all and all the long drags mean it’s easy for your mind to wander. Routes where you can see so much up ahead of you are definitely not my preference. Twists and turns are much better.


I doxxed myself last week with the great Roy Curtis so no harm sharing this photo from Sunday’s race. It looks like I’m really opening up my legs and expressing myself to power ahead of a large pack.


Great tactics …The young lad in white singlet just behind you looks a beaten docket as you go up through the gears …


Attaboy McDevitt

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Confidence issues? Have you tried cocaine? Thatll sort your confidence issues out in no time.

Gloves :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Who do you think you are, Jay-Jay Okocha?

@backinatracksuit i picked up an entry for Adare so I’m going to give that a rattle


Nice one, it’s not easy but not the worst, good crowds at start and finish

Lovely last km downhill.

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Well done @Bandage .

You look comfortable and focused. You’ve been very upfront about your running goals, performances, etc.