The Official TFK 2023 Fun Running Thread

‘hilly’ :thinking:

Go full duck or no dinner lad!!

Second last km had biggest ‘hill’ from what I recall @TreatyStones


I know, barely a blip

Not in my opinion, but I’ve heard lads say it was.

There are flatter courses around I suppose :man_shrugging:

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Should be perfect for a bog warrior like @TreatyStones used to country roads.

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Dimples rather than hills

10k is too long to be hanging on. Go out at target pace and if you feel strong, kick on.


Good luck @TreatyStones. I foresee you producing a clutch of metronomic (correct usage?) kms between 4:06 & 4:12 for the first 9km & then a blistering 3:50 last km. Gun time 41:14, chip time 41:08.


“If you’d offered me that before the game I’d have taken your hand off”


I wouldn’t recommend you do anything that I think you could, if you’re racing don’t leave anything after you, my use of the term ‘hang on’ has been misrepresented, I’m just not an advocate of the negative split for fun runners. I always go out at a pace that I feel I can easily sustain for three quarters of a race and then tough it out. Rather than trying to make up minutes in the final kilometers.

I ran Adare last year, it was an awful experience, I tested positive for Covid a couple of hours later, my HR was 190 after 2 kilometers, I went around in about 43:30, should have been much quicker, but I don’t think it’s a PB course.

I always think you and me are similar as runners and it would be a good race, though I know you’d batter me with prolonged training, so when I give you ‘advice’ it’s with myself in mind.
I think you should aim for that 41:30 but I’d say it’s 50/50 whether you get it, all on the day I’d say, but yeah, I’d go out with about 4:05 as the ace for the first few and see how that feels.
Good luck, there goes the school bell :+1::+1:


Please let us know what tactics you settle on @TreatyStones. There’s a definite National Hurling League vibe here. There are some question marks over TreatyStones but it’ll be a good test to see where he’s at & to show what he needs to find before the championship etc etc.

What races is everyone else going for in the short term & what targets are further out on the horizon? There seems to be plenty of options nationwide most weekends. I’m in a fitness base building phase under coach @fenwaypark ‘s watchful eye but with freedom to race here & there. So I can tweak the training schedule accordingly & I’ll segue into a DCM trading programme in the summer.

I’ve done 5 mile & 10km races over the last few weeks & Raheny host a 10 mile “Battle of Clontarf” Leinster Championship in St Anne’s Park on Easter Monday. I did that last year so might do that again. It’s basically 2 laps of the park perimeter with a bit in the interior at the start & finish.

I haven’t really gotten into the habit of hopping in the car to travel to races outside my locality (other than if it coincides with a trip to Wexford) so I was seeing if there was any suitable races in March before that Easter Monday one. That Bohermeen (Navan area?) half marathon on 12 March seems to be a big enough event each year? I saw a local running group/fitness club/gym called Up & Out Fitness are hosting a St Patrick’s Day half marathon kicking off at 7.45am. It takes in St Anne’s Park, Bull Island & up along the coastal walkway towards Sutton in an out & back route. I clicked in to get a place but it’s already sold out & it seems to be a very small affair. There’s a 10 mile Great Gorey Run in March too but it might be logistically tricky. I’ll try find something to race in before that Easter Monday event anyway.

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The route is shite, don’t bother. There’s much nicer 10 mile or half marathon races on the same day

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I’ve entered the Half Marathon in the Great Limerick run again this year. Did it in bang on 1:35 last year, so hoping to knock a few minutes off that. Going to train for a target pace of 4:15 - 4:20 and see how that goes.

I might do a 10 mile race in between Sunday and Limerick (May Bank holiday weekend), Mallow is a popular one.


Slight injury niggle (a new one for me this time so I’m being ultra cautious) this week @Bandage and a confirmation to go to on Saturday so no training this week I’d say. Mileage has been low this winter, but generally sensible stuff (low HR running with circuit classes and yoga each week also). I’ll lift a few pints tonight for S&C. Nothing really on the calendar at the moment. Will try and box off a mountain/ trail marathon-distance run in May or June (if the body stays ok. Hopefully I’ll be able to get my auld pal @Mac out of the Naby Keita Injury Ward to join me). I’m officially signed up for DCM in October. God knows how that’ll go.

I’d be surprised if I do (m)any other races during the year. Maybe a few trail things. I’m definitely veering more towards the leisure (i.e. fat and slow) runner/ jogger category). I like running on the hills but I dunno if I am really bothered with races etc. that much.

PS I got some Saucony shoes @backinatracksuit. Haven’t tried them yet but happy to join the official TFK running brand for the season ahead.


I’m on week 4 of Achilles Tendonitis rehab. Things were going well and I got the all clear for a light run yesterday but it didn’t go too well and I’d say I’ve set myself back at least another 2 weeks. I think I need to write off the possibility of any running of any meaningful kind till April. If I manage a few pain free light runs between now and then its a bonus


Follow the programme. Take your time.

I was meaning to ask if you were injured based on your Strava run description yesterday. Sounds like a tricky enough one to get right? Achilles set me back for 4-6 weeks this time last year. Did the cross country race in January aggravate it or something that was brewing anyway?

Edit: what’s wrong with the Great Gorey Run route?!

Is there any of the TFK running crew that aren’t gone lame?

@Rintintin, @Gavrilo-Princip & @Wexford1996 are flying in training. But we need at least one of the three people under 30 on this forum to take on the running mantle to offset others’ injuries.