The Official TFK Fad Thread

Now that the Nutri Bullet yokey is coming to an end I thought it might be useful to log any TFK fads here so we can reminisce about them in years to come. Feel free to add any more in here. Some from previous years

Nutri Bullets
Gait Analysis
Tag Rugby
Astro Football


what has come over you?

if i wasnt full of the calm energy that only matcha green tea can provide id hunt you down and smash you

Craft beer, give it a couple of months.

Oven chips
Curry sauce
Hurling spuds to ducks.


Intermittent fasting.


Clare hurling

the ra

The nutri bullet will never die

I vaguely recall TFK members mentioning the donut fad a while back. I’ve succumbed to this and pick up the odd donut in Offbeat Donut Company in either Grand Canal Dock or Pearse Street Station.

This has replaced the gelato and olde school sweet shops fad in recent months.

You must be piling on the weight again, Poundage.


I’ve been maintaining a consistent 26 or “overweight” on the BMI Index for the past couple of years. I’m never going to make 173 lbs.

Not if you keep shoveling donuts into your mouth you’re not.
FFS sakes, this is the internet’s foremost fitness and healthy eating forum, you have no excuses.


These donuts are superb, pal.

No donut is worth being a fat cunt, mate.
You are weak and lack self control. I bet @Tassotti is disgusted with you right now.

Are you having lots of sex these days kid?

Lapsed poster @fenwaypark had a lovely little tradition of allowing himself a food treat once or twice per week.

Apparently the only hole he is getting is in the donut

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Gin & tonic.
Poor ould @balbec has been ostracised for rightly pointing out that most of the G & T tosspots on TFK are sheep following the marketing drivel.