The Official TFK Farming Thread


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The arse has literally fallen out of her,I mind one morning as a young lad goin out to check the ewes for lambs before school with the auld lad and we happened across a ewe with the lamb bed out.Well the auld lad hadn’t time to deal with her and i was off to school so we pushed it back in and he produced two 3" nails from his jacket pocket which he shoved through the top and bottom of her “lady” bits and tied them together with a bit of bailing twine.It done her till we got home that evening and the vet called to her.


Cc @KinvarasPassion


He should have a go at putting one of these back in place :face_vomiting:

Myself and the ould lad each side of a towel trying to keep it propped up and the vet trying to push it back in. Took about 45 minutes.

mag well


Eh thanks for that mate

Time to diversify @KinvarasPassion

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Just don’t sit on it.

@anon67715551 I hope you talked your way out of the fine

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Essential travel, bullocks won’t feed themselves.

Fuck off Guard, you weren’t so quick to the marquee yesterday

This kind of thing sickens my shit. Easy pickings. Probably some poor oul divil with the tractor broken down and can’t get it fixed.

They allegedly issued 80 FPN’s. The collection process will be interesting. I’m presuming that they get X number of days to settle the fine. Shur’ these poor hoors wouldn’t have that kind of money on them. Oh! Wait…

40 lads named John. Same address. The usual craic. Not a hope. To be fair I wouldn’t pay a covid fine either.

Choice of vehicle was mad to begin with there.

Yes. He should return to his fleet and select something more appropriate




Cows in a bad moo’d.

I see a wee bit of seaweed has saved the beef and dairy industry. Bill gates and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy are said to be seething