The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

I think kids are fantastic craic - some of the stuff they come out with. Watching the personalities developing is just deadly. They have an ability to increase spirits like no other - and that’s just for an uncle.

I can’t imagine the joy a parent would have when these human beings who are relying on them greet them at the door after a day’s work.

That said the lady and myself had her two nephews (aged 5 and 3) over to the apartment a few months back. They stayed the night.

Holy fuck. By the end of it don’t think I’ve ever been as wrecked in my life.

The next time they were over I got a ticket for the Mayo Dublin replay so fucked off to it and on the beer with my brother.


I detest kids in general apart from my own.


Time to leave it in ticking over idle.

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It’s nigh on impossible to convey the flip side though. While the lack of sleep, no life, run of your feet, are all easy enough to quantify and verbalise, there is a inner satisfaction that comes with raising a child(ren) that is next to impossible to put into words. It’s one of those you have to live it to understand it kind of things. In my experience, in the fullness of time, there are few that regret it.


you habent gone down the child actor route yet mate, easy money for very littl work for you

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Mine went a wandering during the night again. Went to check her in the bed. No sign of her, her pillow, her duvet or her sheets.
Checked the usual spots (under the bed, down the back of the bed, her wardrobe, our room, under the stairs, the floor of another room etc). Was getting slightly worried. Turns out she’d headed up this time and I found her halfway up to the attic.

I’d love to know what would bring her to wander about the place in the night like this.



Informative, it’s time they started paying their way


Ah christ flatty…

Kids are lunatics.

Sometimes when you are out somewhere and you hear a kid crying and you stop and think for a split second then you realise “not one of mine” and you think “grand” and move on.


In a few years time they won’t even look up from their phones.

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Women would tick the box for most of those points as well though.


We used to have a Jack Russell did that though. He would know the sound of the engine from across the road and would be waiting for you to come in.


We have one of those too. But at least the kids don’t piss themselves with excitement when you come in the door.


Is it something like this lad is on about?

If I was a confident guy like Kev, maybe they would. Or a stone cold legend like @Tassotti

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I used to have a jack Russell that did that.

Ah lovely.

I’m filing that one away for use at an appropriate moment in a row :grinning::monkey:

Is she possessed maybe, Flatty.

Jesus, but that’s an awful thing to say. Having said that, the thought had crossed my mind too.

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An exorcism. That’s what will settle her down. Good and propa.