The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

I have a 4 month old and a 6 and 8 year old. We never used dr brownes until this one came along. The greatest cunt of an invention of all time. About 6 parts to each bottle. I have dreams about stwrilising the bastards. I am strongly considering sterilising myself in protest


I’ve news for you, they’re not worth a fuck either, and you’d want a microwave that you could fit yourself into to sterilise more than 3 of them.

What the fuck are Dr Brownes ?

Large baby bottles that are supposed to reduce wind.

I could do with one of them for myself


Would Guinness flow through it I wonder?

Dr Browns :imp:

All the women talking about Dr Brownes being the answer to wind. Just wind the child ffs!! Avent are a good brand, Tommy Tippy too


Winding is great craic. Jaysus the young fella gets burps out of him that’d shake the house.

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Women are shit at it, fact

Lads anyone got any suggestions for when the young fella works out how to jump out of the cot? He scared the shit out of his mamò today. We’ve a stair Gate but the jacks has no lock and he could do all sorts of damage to himself wandering round at night.

My mother put chicken wire over the cot


Girly men and horrible women

Barbed wire.

We put a stair gate on the door of his room and let him sleep in a bed. Simples. I also spent an hour strapping his wardrobe and chest of drawers into the wall so he cant pull them down on top of himself. Get the bed in against the wall and fit one of the anti roll yokes.


What’s this about fella?

Put a cabin hook on the toilet door if you’re worried, he’ll be grand though, you have a monitor obviously?

I fucking suspected as much.

@Juhniallio - this

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Modern parenting