The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

Very unsavoury watching Kevin trying to spoof away explaining issues he hasnā€™t a breeze about.

Very sad incident and seems to be happening quite frequently in recent years.

Little madame just gone in for her second time under general anaesthetic in 4 months. Getting grommets this time so she can hear in school


Hope everything goes well art


Good luck with that.

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I think thats we are all saying, none of us really know.

There are some common traits/events though.

Whats funny is you jumping threads because you got caught spoofing on another one.

Eh. No you are talking out of your arse putting forward theories and gossiping on the case.

I donā€™t spoof. Iā€™m pragmatic and youā€™re a quack.

Tgere is nothing wrong with putting forward theories. Somebody does not need a qualification for that, they just need to have luved and know people.

Beither of which you seem to have done.

So youā€™re revelling in a tragic incident to put forward loads of your quack theories?

Ah lads would you fuck off.


you need your blow outs, they are vitally important. its like re setting the whole thing back to factory settings. lets her know you wont be standing for her shit 100% of the time. any good man will let his woman feel like she is in control. thats the jungle. but 100% control is dangerous. id give her 90% myself. the trick is to be able understand what she sees as important and let her be the queen of that. and include all that in her 90%. get as much of that old nonsense into her 90. work hard to keep anything important to yourself outside of the 90.
when she wanders anywhere into the 90s then its time to blow then. let fucking fly. regain some ground. let her stew. always works.


thatā€™s seriously sound advice right there


The details of this murder/suicide are horrific

Thatā€™s a belter of a post

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That should be printed, laminated and given to lads about to get married, instead of some day-long pre-marital BS course.


First date with my misses was a Limerick Kilkenny league match back in 97. Safe to say priorities were set.

Macra has a lot to answer for.

Now now. Be careful or Iā€™ll pull the horse box off the back of the rav 4.

Did both of you abuse poor old Kevin Fennelly?

I loved the way you wrote that mate. Got a great way with words. You are a tonic.