The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

Suppositories is the answer to that campaign of disobedience


I don’t have any. Would the pharmacy give them to you without a prescription?
(No you’ll have to pay her extra for that etc etc etc)

They would and they’ll give you a free rubber hammer type device for tapping them in if you ask for one.


Dead right Fagan. Paralink is your job. Just paracetamol so no issue with prescription.

Definitely get the rubber hammer unless you want an awful mess

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The world is fucked up altogether. At a wake today as mentioned in fingal thread for women in mid 30s riddled with cancer. Leaves behind a husband and 3 kids. Eldest is 7 and youngest is 3.

Ever since I knew she was terminally ill I’ve been thinking about how you could cope as a father in that scenario. Doesn’t bear thinking about. I’d be hard set to mind our 2 lads for a full weekend, let alone until they’re capable of minding themselves.

Noone deserves that to happen to their family. There’s plenty of evil cunts in the world who live a full happy life and then some poor family has this happen to them. Life just ain’t fair I guess.


Very sad.

You would want to give up work but financially that may not be an option.i was at a funeral today for a man in his 80s and it was sad. What you were at today must have been beyond comprehension for the family


That’s all you can say and think. Otherwise you’ll go insane. Hopefully he has good family and friends around him to help him. People can be very good at times like this.

I was at two tragic funerals over the last month, good people who just suffered tragic losses. I’ve also seen good families put through hell by their gurrier cunting kids, drugs, robbery, assault, the sort of fuckers no one would miss if they passed on. Yet those fuckers live and thrive and the others suffer and die.

We come back to life just ain’t fair.

You would cope alright. People have unreal depth of character. Need huge family support.

And make sure you have plenty life cover.


They’ve been waiting for her to die since late November. Biggest fear was that it would be over Xmas which meant it would tarnish it for the rest of the kids lives.

If nothing else it just teaches you to go out and live fucking life as it can be taken away from you soon enough.


Yep. Be grateful for what you have. Try not to stress about things that may seem important but in reality are not


The brother went through the same thing a couple of years ago. His partner had no chance, held on as long as she could. She left behind a three year old. Brother is coping though, young lad just turned five and the brother went back to work. Life goes on. Cancer is a bugger and has touched all of us in some way shape or form. But life is for living, you just move on.



Shit list it doesn’t even have FOAD on it




FML in 10-12 years time :weary:

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Tru dat.


Fuck you cunt!

Uncalled for you :fist: :eggplant:

strong text
That’s what they’re for alright.