The Official TFK Father's Issues Thread. I don't know how they do it

Heā€™s hooked already


twee - check
inane check
narcissistic -check

classic @Mac




Ah thatā€™s just superb :clap:



FFS Mac, if you know who the bent copper was surely youā€™d know which councillor to direct the brown envelope to

I managed to irk you by typing it and then see someone else steal your thunder with a funnier quip. Weā€™re into real bonus territory here.

The bent copper has been dead for 10 years you gobshite

@Mac rattled

Thatā€™s why I used the past tense, you anteater featured cunt. I was gonna pm you the name but you can rely on @Juhniallio now.

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For a lad with a lot of pretend qualifications, youā€™re a bit dim at the back of it all

It knocked the good out of his Nice Reply.

Ah poor angry Mac.

Nasty moment at the young fellas football this morning. Iā€™ve been assisting the coach in an entirely unofficial capacity as heā€™s asked for my input on what Iā€™m seeing during games and for me to have a word on specific things with some of the boys (U16ā€™s). So Iā€™ve had a word with some if them about specific things. The centre backs talking to each other, our left winger opening his mouth to let someone know where he is, the goalkeeper to keep the ball low when the throws it out. Vwey basic stuff, always witha posituve comment like youā€™re going well mate or you had a great game on Saturday.
After last weekā€™s game I mentioned to Josh, our right back and the worst player in the team, I mean heā€™s fucking useless, constantly swings at the ball and misses, shouldnā€™t be playing Aā€™s, that when we clear the ball after a corner, he stays still in the box and is playing everyone onside, so just try to push up out of the box when we clear the ball in future. Distinctly remember finishing it with great effort today Josh, well done.
His dad arrives today before the game. I get up to shake his hand and say Gā€™day Frank (we havenā€™t known each other that long), he comes up to me and says ā€œyou fucking dog, you fucking put my son down last week, told him he was uselessā€ etc etc, just goes on this big fucking rant
So Iā€™m trying to get over the initial shock of being called a fucking dog face and thinkinh whether I deck the horrible little cunt or laugh at him
I did nothing. I remained calm. I said to him that he has the complete wrong end of the stick. Uā€™m quite happy to talk to Josh and apologise uf he misconstrued what I said. The cunt walks off at this point, mumbling something about me saying in in front of the whole team.
So, shocked, I sit down to ate my bacon roll (after the goalkeepers Dad comes over to me to say thanks for warming him up before the games and that Rio really appreciates the positive stuff Iā€™ve been saying to him) and think that fuck this, Iā€™m not fucking apologising to anyone and that daft little Italian cunt can go fuck himself.
Teenage boys can be as sensitive as fuck and coupled with a dumb aggro dad, it becomes doubly hard.
He can fuck right off.
Not quite sure what I should do so itā€™s not a festering sore for the rest of the season.
Alternatively, I couldnā€™t give a fuck and quite happy for the sore to be there.

Deck the cunt. Youā€™ll feel better

Sounds like Joshā€™s old lad went out there and walked all over you


He did because I was so shocked at what he said to me. But I wasbproud of the fact that I took the higher ground and didnā€™t react in front of eveyone. He can go fuck himself though.

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The next time you see him and he starts mouthing off ask him if heā€™s any good at picking up broken teeth.


Not much point in worrying about the father -itā€™s very hard to educate pork. The kid has a prick for a father and needs all the help he can get

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