The official TFK list of 🐐 experts - Hurleyers on the ditch

Tasting menus and the procurement from local surrounds for ingredients for it.

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@farmerinthecity is the forum’s go-to man when it comes to pints of loose porter.
Today’s effort in the relevant thread is outstanding.

The Collopy family.

Long standing now dead baseball commentators


Have we sone big Dodger fans? Or SoCal residents?

We must have they were able to ream off top commentary moments and all

In fairness, most avid sports fans would be familiar with Vin.

But how many would have heard him call a game?
I mean I was a huge baseball fan and I never had the privilege

Never heard of him but I wouldn’t be a massive softball fan

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The Cork wagons have circled quick here, like vultures on a bison.

Vin was an icon of US sports, but you wouldnt expect two Cork fellas to have ever look outwards.

A stone cold legend. The rounders world is in mourning today.

Rounders must be the handiest sport to pick up a medal in going out there today. I’d wager its handier than some of the special olympic events.

If they did J1s to Japan, the lads would be sumo experts


GAA apparel

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Commentator for a local television channel in Southern California, :man_shrugging:


I think this was my favourite Jim Scully commentary moment.

I suppose there will be equally sombre posts on the Californian version of TFK when Syl O’Connor shuffles on.


I suppose you’d have to turn on the tv to hear him.

And spend time in the LA area,
Have you ever heard him call a game?

Tim McCarver was my Vin Scully