The official tfk list of people who should “put a sock in it”

Marty Morrissey


Handsome bastard

This just flashed up on my Twitter feed.

In the words of the great Barry Davies, interesting, very interesting.



Probably the only thing she’s ever got right in her life

That tweet does not reflect well on Gemma, you’re painting a picture here. But come on pal, why the Presidential bid? That was just nuts. Even you would accept that she honestly believes her own shite.

I think a lot of mental illness comes from a misfiring “rationality” or “causality” part of the brain, at the very front, the frontal cortex. I know that’s the part of the brain that starts misfiring in a lot of cases of schizophrenia and they start thinking confused thoughts but they make sense to them. I think it’s a sliding scale, more than “normal” people would like to admit, and I think that’s what’s gone wrong with her.

Feel free to make eviscerate me acting like I know about this stuff.

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Lovely throwaway line at the very end linking the personality disorders to vaccinations.

Also fairly obvious projection in this video.

But I’d have to accept that her trawling for likes is just immoral. She’s always just throwing shit out and looking to see what makes an impact and then running with that no matter whatever shite it is.

A lot of ‘normal’ people take her seriously. I really don’t see what your problem is.

I think Gemma spends too much time on the INTERNET. She isn’t mentally ill, she’s just a gullible, fame hungry, money hungry piece of shit with a highly obsessive personality, who preys on other gullible pieces of shit lower down the food chain. Yes, I do think she believes what she says.

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Well then she’s mad. If you believe that Tony Blair killed Madeline McCann you’re nuts, there’s something not working right in your brain.

What’s your problem with INTERNET?

Not putting “the” before it

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Pretty much no difference to most people who voted for Trump or Brexit or Le Pen or Orban or Duterte or Salvini or Bolsonaro so

You’re exactly right, it’s basically delusion. Prime examples are those that are convinced Trump and his inner circle stole the election from Hillary by conspiring with the Russian government. The fact there was no compelling evidence for this doesn’t dissuade them, and even if the slightest doubt enters their mind they just have to watch a Rachel Maddow (speaking of delusional nutcases) show to get back on track.

I barely know who Gemma is, but it sounds to me like her brain is badly broken, a bit like Alex Jones on one end of the spectrum and @Sidney on the other. Obsession with politics does that to people, there’s fundamentally no difference between extreme left wing and extreme right wing nutcases, both have long strayed form sanity.


You are her, she is you, would also explain your hatred for transgender people

I don’t hate anyone mate, that’s your delusion speaking.

Your record of years standing of being of a hate-filled far right racist white supremacist extremist explicitly and consistently says otherwise, it’s utterly frightening that somebody with your views is a “professor”.

“I don’t hate anyone” also explicitly says you don’t hate Nazis and the racist white supremacists youve championed here for years, too fucking right you don’t - you are one.

Are you a professor @anon7035031?