The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

as far as i can see, every week he was either doing Tidy Towns or Canvassing

good to see hard work being rewarded


Yeah all 20 odd of them. Elected on the 2nd count.

125 no? According to Tipp FM

Quota was 1508 he got 1486 1st preferences, he wasn’t going to be caught.

Come on what’s it to do with me? Fuck all as you know but you’re too gutless to explain.

Ken Early fucking delighted there

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Edit: think it might be his son!

Where is Cuffe likely to be ran in if he doesn’t get in in Europe? The leafy Dublin seats are already taken except Dublin Bay North.

Wicklow is also taken.

Worth a run in Kildare?

There will be a slot but he won’t run in GE again.
If there’s ever a Dublin mayor….

hazel chu wouldnt take kindly to that

He’d be an excellent Mayor to be sure.

He’s convincing absolutely nobody

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Well FF and FG haven’t exactly done well … The decline of SF numbers is what their pointing to as a victory put people continue to turn away from both parties… A sizeable amount of independent have won

It seems that there was a lot of transfers between FF and FG. That’s fine for local issues but will hardly hold for the election?

No…but I’d say hardly anyone under 35 voted on locals and the same old establishment lackeys just kept it in-house between the two dying parties.

When the young protest vote is mobilised in the GE they’ll give other parties a lift on firsts and transfers.

If Harris had any balls he’d call a GE before the end of summer and not let SF recover fully…but i don’t think that there’s enough opposition seats out there to remove them anyway… Even if SF and others get decent numbers - the old fart vote probably has another couple of elections in them and enough for FFG to stay at the trough

Sinn Fein supposedly need 80% of those votes just to meet their 2020 performance.

Appears fairly unlikely.

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If they don’t use this as a wake up call and getting a united message out on what the party is actually about they can forget about it full stop. They can use the results as a bit of scare mongering too - do you really want 5 more years of FFG.

But they need rid of MLMD and they need a more dynamic leader - could give them a lift. That’s why Harris should step on their necks now.

But yes, i don’t think they’ll hit the highs of last time

I don’t think there is the votes out there, that’s the reality.

FF and FG have lost loads of votes but are still individually bigger than SF. If they are seen as a bloc and an anti SF one, they will continue to transfer to one another. You lads always went on like FF and FG were the same but they weren’t in terms of voters.

There’s no cohesive opposition and the truth is that SF were always a shit choice to rally around to try and be one.

A lot of people think SF can’t be trusted

Only few weeks ago SF were having to apologise for breaking Covid guidelines so they could all attend Bobby Storeys funeral

An awful lot of people would take a dim view of that lack of respect for laws that everyone else was following for greater good at the time

If they don’t exceed what they got the last time then their only path to gov would be as a minority partner to FF. I’d be surprised if that happened.

From a year ago when they were prob dreaming about the chance of an overall majority to that is some going.

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