The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

A crowd that would recognise that Brewdog are a sham of an organisation and instead would seek out a local small brew bar.


Who is that pointdexter?

Big wheezy Philip Dwyer

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Excuse me, that’s 2 time all Ireland winning dungeons and dragons champion to you

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There’s a rural/urban distinction here, along with a difference between progressive/left/hard left & conservative/centre right.

A FF muldoon in Clare would be guaranteed to be lifted up, or some independent type.

A SD Dublin candidate, like yer man above, would never be lifted up.

It can become muddled if someone from that SocDems, Labour, Green pool surprisingly wins a seat in a rural area. You just don’t know if they’ll be lifted up or not. Although AK47 was famously lifted up in Tipp in the past & gave it big licks.


A real classic of the genre @the_man_himself

I did see Limerick city FG candidate Olivia O’Sullivan get hoisted up on the shoulders (only two carriers required) over the weekend. But I suppose even the Limerick city folk are a form of Muldoon themselves

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You’d need some entourage to hoist Big Martin Browne aloft

@MountLeinster lot aint happy

Honore got lifted

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Will you be reposting that video a lot today mate?

it fills my hear with joy considering the abuse he got

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I was delighted for him. He really put the work in canvassing every day of the week for weeks and never hid from the abuse.

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as far as i can see, every week he was either doing Tidy Towns or Canvassing

good to see hard work being rewarded


Yeah all 20 odd of them. Elected on the 2nd count.

125 no? According to Tipp FM

Quota was 1508 he got 1486 1st preferences, he wasn’t going to be caught.

Come on what’s it to do with me? Fuck all as you know but you’re too gutless to explain.

Ken Early fucking delighted there

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Edit: think it might be his son!