The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Thank you for the bio.

Please revert with any further thoughts/observations on the local &/or European candidates in the locality ahead of Friday. I’ll place high regard on views from trusted sources when casting my votes.

There was a debate tonight on Prime time. 8 of them. Varying degrees of waffle. Regina showed herself to be a weird smarmy oul bitch. Gibney was a bit vague and more vote for the party than her but then had a lovely cut at Pat Leahy at the end. Boylan Lynn was decent but a bit arsey about them not asking andrews queestions she wantes him asked. Sarah McInerney went after her a bit. Cuffe spoke better than ive seen him before, particularly because his green collective in europe votes differently from current government does. He came across as a fella with an idea and integrity. Aodhan came across similarly as a dude with integeity and capable but what his idea was other than being an mep was questionable. Clare Daly was strident and combative and refused to say if she worked for russia. They never pulled her up for refusing to vote to stop migrants dying in boats. Andrews came across as polished smarm but everybody whacked him about the current government stance on migration and housing etc, a lot more than regina got.

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@glenshane hasn’t been on here for a while. Perhaps he (she) was prepping for this debate.

There’s some properly gormless looking fine gael wan has a massive poster up across the line of sight of my pals road where it hits the main road. It’s actually dangerous.
My pal says she doesn’t deserve a vote on this basis alone.
He also suspects she may struggle to run her own bath, which puts her on a par with ming who looks like he also struggles with the shower.

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Somebody has put a pair of novelty eyes (similar to the below) on a poster for Maria Walsh of Fine Gael on the road from Barna into Galway. It’s just there near Barna Woods. I can’t stop looking at this poster any time I pass it.


I had a knock on the door at half time in the recent FA Cup final. I expected it to be my brother back from a run. It was Fidelma Healy Eames standing inside my porch with a big beaming smile on her face. She was out canvassing with Eddie Hoare. She’s probably the second biggest celebrity ever to call to the house after some oul’ fella who played for Meath when they beat Dublin in the 1975 NFL final who knocked on the door eight years ago looking for his son who he couldn’t contact who apparently lived across the road.


I have noticed a similar position of a fine gael poster on a difficult to see crossroads. I hate that cross only confident at night due to seeing headlights.

Also FG, is there anywhere you can report it? Unfortunately i cannot not vote for them as i live on the border of 3 LEA. Serious gerrymandering going on here

I see the Woodlands have thrown their weight behind John Moran in the Limerick Mayor’s race @Julio_Geordio @TreatyStones

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She lost her car park when cars were restricted on a street

This made her get into politics

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Did ye receive voting cards this time round?
Nothing here yet…

We didn’t. Stroll up and vote anyway i say

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Creep Kelly was in ennistymon yesterday. Nobody came near him. Conway hanging out of him along with a few lackies

The back room boys in Bangalore won’t be happy

Just yesterday. All you need is ID anyway.

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Collins = Michael Collins Cork South West TD
FdI = Fratelli d’Italia, the ruling Italian fascist party
ECR = the umbrella group for fascists in the European Parliament
Kavanagh = Gary Kavanagh of Gript

More than the years FG were sending lads to Spain to fight for Franco?


We were a proper country back then.


At least lads would tell you straight up they were facists, or commies, or religious fundamentalists