The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

I have. At the locals. Good craic. The first count is the all important. A decent tally man will be about 99% accurate on 1st pref and will be about 85% on second preference you hit a rhythm and it’s a bit of an oul game. There’s a bit of jostling for position but there’s good craic and banter with other parties usually. Most take the view that the hard work is done and that this is an enjoyable part of the democratic process. SF were the exception in my experience. Shoulder chipped cunts. I’d imagine that’s changed a bit now that they are mainstream populist flipflops. Banter and absolute respect for the counters is all important. They’ll even slow down or go back a few for you once or twice if required.
It’s also pretty interesting watching the difference between the boxes.
After the first count it all slows down and gets a bit less interesting as you have a very good idea where transfers will go and it’s slow oul work for the counters from then on. Breaks for the counters and them wanting to get as much work as possible out of it come into account i think. Go for it if you get a chance.


Love that shit

I was waking up from The Orange Goat with a post run coffee at around 9.20am this morning when I spotted Deirdre Heney walking against me carrying election posters over her shoulder (not paper ones, 5 or 6 of the big ones you’d stick to a lamppost). I speculated to myself that she’d possibly been handing out flyers at Killester Dart Station to morning commuters & may have taken possession of some final posters from a party flunky to be strategically placed over these last crucial days. She didn’t try to canvas me but we exchanged morning pleasantries as we passed.

Donna is great mate

Who is that independent, he has posters everywhere

There’s an Independent called Barry Heneghan who’s been endorsed by local running royalty, Mick Clohisey. Local licenced establishments, Pebble Beach & Harry Byrne’s, also have his posters emblazoned on their respective premises. I don’t know anything about the chap.

I also exchanged morning pleasantries with your Donna last Friday outside the dart station when walking my young lad to school.

Local GAA royalty Brian Talty is endorsing Alison Field (Labour).

I missed Si Harris on Portmarnock Beach & later on Clontarf seafront over the weekend by mere minutes in each case.

Donna looks batshit crazy with that beret on her in her posters.

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Combined headbanger leaflet drop just now.

she is definitely not your 9 to 5 work in a bank type


What job is Diarmuid running for?

SF IRA have traditionally been anti EU.

The so called far right are clearly drawn from the hard left.


Steenson is a great grandfather at 61? Somebody should have told him and his offspring about contraception.

Neale Richmond in a Leinster polo shirt is gonna trigger lads

He’s Finian McGrath aligned I think?

Will Healy get in?
Nimby donnellan have a chance? Surely she hasnt much support beyond Malahide?

I’d have assumed Healy was safe enough based on his Howth stronghold. He’s not much of a canvasser or campaigner though.

Donnellan seems to have gained a bit of profile but no mention of her pro car stance outside malahide.

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Heneghan is from a family of self obsessed cunts on the Clontarf Road. The mother runs a B&B, the father is/was a guard. The mother fell backwards off of a wall on a holiday in Italy a few years ago and banged her head but unfortunately it didn’t make her a better person. One of the brothers was a participant on First Dates Ireland. A creep. There you are.


What does Donnellan stand for? The husband is a jeweler and they were robbed at gunpoint a couple of decades ago. It was on Crimewatch. .


She was anti pedestrianisation in Malahide and setup a group on that topic. No idea how she extends beyond that - her literature is vague.
