The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Iā€™m nominating whoever called big wheezy Dwyer ā€œa piece of shiteā€ for alright sort of the year


Great stuff

It is very early but Iā€™d surprised if Lynn Boylan doesnā€™t take a seat. They have 47k combined same as Daly and Smith. I see little prospect based on that of Daly overhauling her even with Niall Boylan a minor source for Daly.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if boylan HB gets in ahead of boylan SF.

Graves loses out in swords

Thats a win

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Delighted to hear the greens are holding strong in urban areas.

Well done @Juhniallio

Also delighted to hear coty candidates Dwyer and Blighe have disgraced themselves

Best of luck @binkybarnes. Keep us updated. You need a silver lining after the week.


Great news for @backinatracksuit


And Jackie got in too @Biff_Egan

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Very interesting, not sure she did much other than blame everything on a voting pact in Fingal CC.

Very negative and populist

Me or her? :face_with_monocle:



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The Imelda transfers got him over the line

Ah lovely

Thatā€™ll sicken a lot of lads :rofl:

Looks like the other Shinner got in on the 10th count.

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No surprise with SF - theses numbers are probably their core vote but I called out MLMD years agoā€¦ while the protest vote will reappear for a GE, her flip flopping on issues and hopping on whatever bandwagon is on the go, has only made momentary gains. She needs to go.
The immigration issue has completely polarised working class areas also and hurt SF more than othersā€¦

But SF can use these results as a positive insofar as they can come out and state what the party actually stands for and stick to their guns and met the chips fall wherever. Yes, the opposition need to challenge the giv, but the flip flopping and bandwagon hopping has made it a party without an identity. They can right that now and long term it will stand to them.

Delighted to see Honore Kamegni get elected for the greens locally. Bastards hounded him with racism on his socialsā€¦ I gave him my 2.


Pierce Dargan of the above has been elected for Fine Gael to DĆŗn Laoghaire Rathdown Council.

This celebration seems to be the antithesis of the lift him on the shoulders vibe that dominated the weekend.

Looks like a crowd that would abscond to Brewdog to celebrate