The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

Sinead Oā€™Carroll


He is dreadful

Just talks shit

The cunt is a good speaker.

There were 26.5k far right votes in Dublin excluding N Boylan.

About 9k found their way to N Boylan.

As much as that last round is alarming thatā€™s a high drop off.

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She was all over the shop

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I think Niall Boylan just dissed Killester there @Bandage

She started off with ā€œOne million, three hundredā€¦ah no, Iā€™m going to call out the numbersā€¦ Oneā€¦threeā€¦ā€


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy wonā€™t like that he used lads filling diesel cars as his example

Leafy killester not as leafy as residents think

When will we have full results in the three European constituencies? End of the week? These counts could go on for days.

The longer they drag it out, the better.

Might even get a juicy recount at the end.

What did he say? :rage:

His transfers should dry up massively once the Aontu rep is eliminated.

I dont think heā€™ll be elected, even though heā€™s sitting pretty overnight.

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Ming is some vote gatherer.

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ā€œwe really appreciate you staying up tonightā€ā€¦ Sheā€™s reporting from Brussels Fran, not fucking Singapore.


Another way of looking at it.

There were 20k more right wing votes than left wing votes eliminated.

If N Boylan got even half of that spread heā€™d have gained 10k net. His gain over Cuffe and O RiordĆ”in is more like 7.5k net which isnā€™t a huge return despite the optics.

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He referred to an extra 2 euro on Diesel hitting a lad in Killester way more than a lad in Killiney. The cunt.


Your auld fella is probably the same age as mine - those of that age just live for these elections.

Called in home earlier - heā€™d RTE on one tv, Virgin on the other, two radios on the go (one for the local station, the other Radio One).

Pieces of paper strewn everywhere, with the quota, number of seats and first count results for everything from the nearest LEA, to the rest of the county, to the 3 European constituencies. (He doesnā€™t give a shit about the Mayoral result as ā€˜theyā€™ll have no powerā€™).

If a neighbour walked in as there was a second count being announced heā€™d hunt them. Fucking different breed.


It was a desperately weak field. I was really struggling to pick a No 1. I vowed not to give Cynthia Ni Murichu a vote after her little cameo during the Blaney press conference row.

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The ballot paper was so long I think a bunch of people didnā€™t see Mick Wallace at the end of it

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Believe it or not, Iā€™d say my mother is a bigger political junkie than him. She loves an election.

She was a secretary to a TD in the early nineties. I recall going into the Greenhills in '92 for the count (I may have mentioned previously so apologies for repetition). I was ten years old and it was a fucking great day out. I was let run riot around the place for the day as she was working. I was there beside Michael Noonan when he got elected (she wasnā€™t working for him, I just happened to be standing beside him). We retired to Costelloā€™s that night for what must have been my fifth and sixth glasses of Coke for the day and all the political crowd had the teletext going on the telly to get the counts from around the country. Iā€™ve loved election counts since. Thankfully those electronic voting machines never happened here. The longer you can drag it out, the better.