The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

I remember Ming starting off in politics registering himself as A. MING just to be on top of the ballot. Cute hoor behind the scruffiness.

Is the Wallace/Daly joint junket under pressure?

Cynthia in with a good shout to become the first FF female MEP in 40 years and the first MEP from Carlow.

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I was going to give McNamara a good preference and i missed him until the end. He ended up getting 7 or 8

Some fairly mad results in those other two first counts.

Nina Carbery getting 70k+. Prototype celebrity candidate without any substance. Same as incumbent Maria Walsh who garnered a similar amount. Ciarán fucking Mullooly getting nearly 60k+ on that Independent Ireland ticket. Mick Wallace still commanding 50k+. Derek Blighe 20k+ & getting more than Rory “Gaffs” Hearne & the Labour rep.

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I’m going to call it as Lynn and then Cuffe (edging out NBoylan by < 100 votes)

Andrews 62147 17% 1719 63866 4.00% 473 64339 5.00% 740 65079 9.00% 1698 66777 4.00% 1150 67927 10.00% 3831 71758 12.50% 4789 76547 1
Doherty 61344 17% 1165 62509 2.50% 296 62805 4.00% 592 63397 7.50% 1415 64812 3.50% 1007 65819 10.00% 3831 69650 12.50% 4789 74439 2
Boylan L 35431 10% 2056 37487 39.00% 4611 42098 7.50% 1109 43207 11.50% 2169 45376 10.00% 2876 48252 25.00% 9579 57831 22.50% 8621 66452 3
Cuffe 32204 9% 1533 33737 4.00% 473 34210 2.25% 333 34543 11.00% 2075 36618 11.00% 3164 39782 25.00% 9579 49361 22.50% 8621 57982 4
O Riordain 30733 8% 1520 32253 4.25% 502 32755 2.50% 370 33125 11.50% 2169 35294 10.50% 3020 38314 9.00% -38314 0 0 0
Boylan N 30637 8% 8978 39615 7.00% 828 40443 40.00% 5916 46359 5.00% 943 47302 7.50% 2157 49459 7.00% 2682 52141 15.00% 5747 57888
Daly 26855 7% 2904 29759 7.00% 828 30587 10.00% 1479 32066 10.00% 1886 33952 38.00% 10929 44881 7.00% 2682 47563 -47563 0
Smith 21577 6% 2707 24284 7.00% 828 25112 10.00% 1479 26591 11.50% 2169 28760 -28760 0 0 0 0 0
Gibney 16319 4% 1330 17649 4.00% 473 18122 5.00% 740 18862 -18862 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Doolan 10766 3% 1056 11822 -11822 0 0
Considine 10693 3% 3210 13903 7.50% 887 14790 -14790 0
Right 26582 7% -26582 0
Left 5662 2% -5662 0
NOT T/F 4066 1623 2032 4338 4457 6130 14996
13% 15% 14% 23% 15% 16% 32%


That Rory Hearne vote is hilarious.

That’s commitment to the cause/forum.

I think I can figure it out but please provide your key assumptions in bullet point format.


That’s a cold one liner although I did laugh.

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I didn’t bother with the quota which would actually skew things a little in Cuffe’s favour (because votes going to government parties and gaining a surplus are more likely to transfer on to him).

Basically just distributing the votes. Looking at Doolan I gave 39% to Lynn Boylan. Actually that’s low but how and ever.

For aontu I gave 40% to NBoylan which I think is generous but I wanted to see if that was catchable and it is, just about.

But I probably don’t leave enough votes not transferring on and some of the splits are fairly arbitrary but it’s more a case of this is what it could look like and then see if candidates are ahead of or behind that curve.


I’m still holding out hope that Gibney’s transfers tilt more to AOR than Cuffe (no offence) & we stay ahead of him & then benefit from his elimination to keep ahead of N Boylan. But there’s also the Brid Smith → Daly angle that could scupper my best laid plans.

Fucking yerras


I think Boylan is getting votes from far right but also any angry folk or antigovernment… i think he’ll gain from both smith and daly while aodhan and cuffe both split the gibney vote.

Could well be the case.

I was offsetting that with the likes of Joan Hopkins who did well for SD in locals and if her supporters voted for Gibney they’d potentially be more green than Labour.

But it’s highly possibly it flips the other way. The hope really is that whichever is eliminates goes heavily to the other at the expense of the creep.

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Yeah think that’s a bit of the case alright. But while the Gibney vote splits it should come back to either Aodhan or Ciaran when one of them is eliminated.

The Smith and Daly voters transferring to Boylan is a concern alright. But they’re established candidates with somewhat established support bases who hopefully see more nuance than just anti government. (And that nuance might be Aodhan).

He’s right, and that’s frightening

Blighe symbolises pure hate

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He’s a believer in the Great Replacement Theory,

That there is a conspiracy to destroy the white European race s and replace with blacks.

That’s beyond being annoyed at the high level of immigration into the country.

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Like WTAF???

are these people really from the same country/century as me