The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

That touches on what i said yesterday. SF now need to come out and define what the party actually is and stands for and build from there. Let the racists slink away… It will be good for the party in the long run.

That’s if mlmd can resist more populism and bandwagon hopping.

I love an aul rendition of Come Out Ye Black and Tans and Celtic Symphony as much as the next man but I need to see more from SF

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Lots done, more to do … That’s the 2024 GE slogan sorted

Agreed. I just think that lots of the original left wing, more moderate folk will have left her a bit and her support in this election is likely to be the headbanger wing of her support.

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Aodhan should get more than Cuffe from this count anyway and probably will continue to do so.

I think Cuffe could have done with Andrews being further out front so he could start getting some of his surplus. As it is, those who don’t want to vote for the government (which is the candidates left to be eliminated) will likely transfer more to Aodhan.

Why is N Boylan a headbanger out of interest? I know the people who ring his show are and he eggs it on but it’s hardly worthy of being classed with some of the dregs ffs.

where do they stand on kissing gates

he is in a party that the leader adorated for a paedo
he backed saville

I’d say if you added up all the “far right” votes, it’s still sizeable enough? Particularly when you see how many votes Boylan and a dangerous cunt like Blighe got. I don’t think it can be dismissed as insignificant.

The good thing about extremists is they are extremists and probably won’t all unite under one banner / party.


That’s a decent article. The establishment are saying SF were the worst opposition ever. They would have loved them to go down the racist rabbit hole trying to keep votes. They didn’t. They did the right thing.



In a European context it is low compared to what’s happening in other countries.

Definitely growing here but I’d have expected it to be worse.

The absence of a unifying party makes a difference alright. That’s a big factor in France for example.

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Id say the likes of Gavin Pepper will go to about 10 Council meetings before getting fed up. He’ll soon learn how insignificant he is when the main parties have their voting blocks and they are playing politics.

He’s going in thinking he’s going to change the world and the reality is, they’ll be discussing litter wardens and Japanese knot weed.


Agreed but id say he’s more likely to say everyone is agreeing to house immigrants and try to have the council building burnt down than he is to get discouraged.

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All to play for

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It’s fucking box office!


Cute staying ahead of O Riordain there.

But Daly will go big now with Smith’s transfers I think.

lets agree to be happy if its the Bozo or cuffe once boylan doesnt get it


No way. She’ll need about 11 thousand of them.