The Official TFK Local and European Elections Thread 2024

My preference now is
ffg 2
Sf 1
green 1

But i think Boylan (HB) gets it

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I think Cuffe will be eliminated after the next count.

Cuffe’s transfers will benefit O’Riordain.

Daly will probably be eliminated then.

Last seat is between Niall Boylan and Aodhán I’d say.

A lot depends on how much Daly gets in transfers from Smith.

Though it’s not inconceivable that Daly gets such a whack of Smith’s transfers that she moves within striking distance of overtaking Niall Boylan.

Actually thought AodhĂ n was further behind. He has a chance!

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She’ll certainly go ahead of Cuffe and O Riordain I think.

Then one of those gets eliminated. Probably Cuffe. And that will go heavily to O Riordain. Also probably get Andrew elected.

And that puts one of them back in front of Daly and possibly/probably NBoylan too.

It would be brilliant to see football loving AodhĂ n time his run perfectly like that and spring the offside trap. If cuffe gets eliminated surely AodhĂ n gets in


The thing is the smaller the number of candidates left, the bigger the numbers of transfers at play.

It looks to me like O’Riordain will probably be in the battle for the last seat.

A lot depends on who that battle is against and whose transfers are being distributed. If it’s Niall Boylan’s transfers being distributed, they could be quite good for Daly.

If it’s Daly’s transfers being distributed, Niall Boylan could do OK off them but you would imagine there would be a residual left leaning bias in a lot of Daly’s vote which might see Aodhán over the line.

One problem for Aodhán is that Andrews and Doherty are in still in the race and a good lot of Cuffe’s transfers could go to them.

Gav Reilly saying Daly won’t get enough from Smith to get ahead of O Riordain or Cuffe, let alone Niall Boylan.

So that would put Daly out first.

Dalys goose looks cooked here and probably next to go. John Cusack, Susan Sarandon and Vladimir Putin will be devastated.


Certainly no more of a headbanger than Daly

looking like 2 boylans for dublin

It’d be the most Irish of all things if Dalys transfers saw Boylan elected, headbangers don’t k ow the difference between left and right, hard to tell at the best of times I suppose :man_shrugging:

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aye, tis better to tug your forelock and vote FF and FG, for all the difference between them


Daly eliminated. Niall Boylan will have Putin’s back in the European Parliament if he gets in though.

Daly gone!

The Dublin count is box-office. Hoovering up all the funding I suppose


Any word on how Daly’s transfers will fall?

About 30% of Dalys vote is transfers in.

Hard to call it now.

I presume if Wallace gets in he will hire Daly

Here’s hoping neither of the cunts make it


I hope Niall Boylan doesn’t get in - I saw this earlier and thought it was pathetic from him. Doesn’t seem to like being asked questions.

Between Aodhan and Niall Boylan now. Whatever about Daly, Cuffe’s votes should stay away from Boylan.